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Lets Get One Thing Straight! (Sprockets)


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The problem with tall gearing on a bike like the 300 is it has more than enough torque to surprise you quickly and violently. Especially if not jetted correctly. I know mine is very smooth and friendly down low but there is a vicious hit lurking just about half throttle. It's gotten my undivided attention on several occasions when I've been sloppy. Your dad, being used to vintage bikes, probably made the mistake of thinking 300cc now was like 300cc back in the old days. But his mistake got you a killer bike eh?

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Taller gearing or taller gear will make motor less quick and less violent.Jetted correctly will be quicker and more violent.If you jet slightly rich it will be less quick and less violent and smoother.I ride 12 300 Raga with HC head insert and use slightly rich pilot jet[55] and the motor is smooth and strong with no hit anywhere.Very easy to ride.Of course I am 260 pounds and ride at 5 to 9 thousand feet which tends to mellow any bike out.

Edited by mung
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  • 1 year later...

Hi All 


I know its a very late reply to this topic, but i have only just joined, i am interested in this topic as i am currently trying to make my 2015 sherco St 300 have a more usable 1st and 2nd gear, so was contemplating changing to a 11T front sprocket, and keeping my rear as standard  42, which i guess takes my ratio from say 4.2 > 3.81 which is about 10% i believe, but since the sherco runs a 5 speed box and say a beta evo 300 runs a 6 speed, but is running the same gearing 11T 42T is the ratio really the same ???? also i was told moving up one tooth on the front, will make my 1st gear into say 2nd and so on, but if the difference is only 10% surly thats all the difference  will be is only 10% longer gearing , any in sight would be great and thanks to all in the previous posts.


regards Dan 

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Going  from a 10 to an 11 on the front would not make your 1st into 2nd, 2nd into 3rd etc, i would say it would kind of go half way. Yes your calculation is right, but 10% may feel more than 10%. Depends what kind terrain you are riding, if its hills and the like, making your gearing higher can help for those long climbs. I always found shercos had a slight more of a jump between its gears with the 5 speeds. Maybe you need to learn to ride in 3rd more?


Anyways, whenever ive changed gearing ive always found going up or down 1 on the front is too big a jump, and instead going down or up 2 on the back to be a noticeable change but not wildly different. The problem is, buying a rear sprocket just to experiment with is a lot more expensive than a front. And altering the chain length is more likely 


You could also look up the internal gear sizes for each gear and just multiply the main to countershaft ratio against the final drive ratio (like you have already done) to calculate the overall gear ratio and see how your new second would relate to the old 2nd and old 3rd..


If its one venue you have went to and feel its wrong i wouldnt go rushing to change it, you may go somewhere else next week and it be spot on. Standard gearing is usually the best all round compromise, but if you feel changing the gearing would help your style or your terrain by all means.


Sorry i couldnt give you a perfect error, gearing is mainly trial and error as is most things with bikes lol. 


Maybe you could repost your question in the sherco thread to see what other sherco owners are doing or maybe one will answer here.


EDIT: Seen youve already down that. You say 3rd really shouldnt be needed... Theres no reason to shy away from 3rd! 2nd and 3rd are most peoples main gears, if it needs 3rd use it. Id also saying going down 1 tooth on the rear would not be enough, i doubt you would barely feel it.

Edited by faussy
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