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Lothian Trials Club Saturday The 9Th Of November


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Lothian Trials Club will be running their last trial of

the year at Kidlaw.The trial is on Saturday the 9th

of November.Usual start time 10.30,all classes are

catered for (Modern,Twin shock,Mono's,Pre 65).

Everybody welcome,for more details go to the

Lothian Trails Club web-thingy.

cheers the noo Brian

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I think I'll need to change my tactics after their last trial.

The coffee and cakes were so good at the start that a number of us had to be carried out the barn and placed on our bikes.

Nearly burnt the clutch out getting up the first hill.

I'll drop a tooth on the gearbox sprocket and put a new leaf spring on the old Scorpa for this one.

See you there.

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Wobbler, you are more than welcome to come up and ride the trial.

It's probably the most relaxed trial(club) in the country.Great wee

venue and the cakes are worth the diesel alone.Great for twin shocks-

nothing silly just a good day out.

cheers the noo Brian

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Wobbler ,look out for the clubs 2 day next year,if its anything's

like this year should be a good one(BBQ,Live Band,Bonfire and the

trial was on different ground each day).Dates will be one the Lothian

club's web thingy early next year.

cheers the noo Brian

Edited by broony
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It was the weekend after Alvie,this year I rode round Willie Robertson

on his Greeves(Bertie)-think you rode round with him at Tam's Moffat

trial earlier in the year.I here that the band is booked for next year.

cheers the noo Brian

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Going up on Friday to help lay oot the sections .Its all on the dry side

with a few new sections aswell as some tweaked old ones.Trial starts

at 10.30 on Saturday (Breakfast 9.30 "Breagh :D")

cheers the noo Brian

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