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First Trial.


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Remember to smile and have fun, that is why we do this.

Also watch some of the better riders, talk to the other riders about how they are riding the trial, etc.

And try not to get too nerved up scores, Also if possible have somebody "catch" for you on things that make you really nervous. Sometimes just having somebody standing there "just in case" is enough of a confidence builder for you to really give it a go.

I will stand there for you. Not gonna catch you, but I will stand there and build your confidence! C'mon Zipper, you can make it!

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LOL - the sort of stuff I'm doing does NOT need a catcher! Think slippery hills and roots sort of thing. No big steps just a couple logs here and there. In fact, it's the wet, rooty turns that cause the most problems. I was really surprised about the nerves I had at the start though, something about being watched and losing points for just a tiny mistake.

Can't wait for the next one now.

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Done the trial on Saturday. Was really wet and boggy.

I decided to do the easier route and ended up winning :D

It wasnt about the winning for me, I learnt lots of new little things to make the sections easier ad really enjoyed it.

A guy said to me you won't get any harder trials conditions than what it was that day so I'm happy with myself.

Also enjoyed watching Ross Danby clearing all the expert routes and had a great day.

Roll on the next trial!

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A good thing to do to get used to riding in scored events is to mark sections in your practice area. Use the same colors as used in an event. Mark out the section, ride it a few times, then move the markers to make it tougher then ride again. I sometimes will use sticks with colored tape wrapped on them or wire survey flags so I can easily move them around.

Also, it is important to walk the sections before you ride so you get the visual of where you are supposed to go before you actually ride it. I have walked sections 2 or 3 times to be sure I see the line and make decisions in advance of riding.

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