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Knock Knock Knocking - What To Do?


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I've just noticed that my bike is knocking - it may had done it for a while but maybe I didn't even notice.

Anyway - it's a 2001 REV 3 270 and I've spent hundreds on it to get it ridable but it's probably only worth £500-800.

So - how quickly does everything deteriorate once it's knocking? Is it worth trying to ride it through winter and then either get a new one or try and fix it or should I stop riding now and make a decision? The problem is that I've only done one trial so am still not certain if I'll want to take it up properly. I'd love to keep riding but if I have to buy a new bike then I may not bother.

If I try and fix it, does anyone have any ideas as to how to go about it? I've done top ends on four strokes before so I'm not inept but I've never worked on the bottom end before.

Any help/advice appreciated.


Edit to add - After searching/reading the forum a bit more, I see that "knocking" is something that is often mentioned and can be caused by fuel/jetting etc. I'll check that tomorrow but what I'm getting is a constant tapping at all rev ranges and when idling. My friend with a 06 250 Rev 3 does not have this sound at all. It sounds like the beginning of this video:


Edited by al_orange
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Thanks for the feedback.

Does this persist when the clutch lever is pulled in ?

I think it makes the noise at all times but will double check tomorrow.

could be piston slap or big end worn you could just keep using if not too bad and does not get much worse , this will give you time to work out if you like the sport and if the bike is worth fixing

So it's unlikely to grenade the next time out? It still runs and starts well. It's 270 and it's more powerful than my mates 250 for sure. Also, I think I definitely like the sport but I ride Enduro too so would struggle to justify a newer trials bike.

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So I've just checked the bike again and the noise is apparent all the time, clutch in or out, revs high or low etc. I tried richening the mixture but that's no different.

I guess I'll have to pull the barrel and check the top and bottom end.

Any other ideas?

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