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Gas Gas 80 Rookie Clutch Issue


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hi all,just bought a 2002 gas gas 80 for my son,pretty much clutch not working at all,there was no fluid in the master cylinder so put new fluid in and it would not bleed,so put new seal/piston set in and it seamed to bleed up(after a while) but when running pull clutch lever in select gear and it pulls away or stalls,so i changed engine oil and still the same(the oil which i took out was almost like a green metallic/pearlescent) unsure if the brake fluid is leaking from the sevo into the engine,personally i think the clutch is knackered(although it looks perfect)we had similar issues with our gg 125 as soon as it was put into gear it tried to pull away with the clutch still in so we put a complete lever/ master cylinder it was still the same,we took the old clutch out which looked perfect but we changed it any way and it was problem solved. have i just answered my own question!!!

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hi lineaway,yes they are different,the 125 is a 1993 and the clutch sevo is on the flywheel side and goes through the engine and through from the back of the clutch and pushes outwards,on the 80 the sevo/slave is built in to the side casing(opposite side to the 125) and pushes the clutch inwards.

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