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Fim Minimum Bike Weight Increase 2014? What?


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Did not read this whole thread (dont blame me), but i have a question. Are there any rules or regulations about bikes, need for homologation etc? Like with some classes in superbikes that the model needs to be produced for customers etc. Or can someone develop a one of prototype and participate in the world championship (pure hypotetically offcoarse).

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Did not read this whole thread (dont blame me), but i have a question. Are there any rules or regulations about bikes, need for homologation etc? Like with some classes in superbikes that the model needs to be produced for customers etc. Or can someone develop a one of prototype and participate in the world championship (pure hypotetically offcoarse).

No production rule, the montesas have been pure prototype is the very near past. No other manufacturer has the money to do this

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It's only a part of honda plot to invade the world with 4T engines witch are more expensive in long term.

Well, they're making a lousy job of it if you look at the sales numbers of the 4RT.


And how did Honda force all the brands in MX to bring out a 4stroke? Where's your proof?


Sorry but I think your conspiracy theory is a load of b#ll#cks

Honda has been a 4stroke company troughout it's history and if they wanted to, they can make one of the finest two stroke engines, just look at the 315R, CR500, NS500...


The only reason, and also the most obvious one, the two strokes almost were banned a few years ago is because of environmental legislation, it's as simple as that.

Edited by guys
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The only reason, and also the most obvious one, the two strokes almost were banned a few years ago is because of environmental legislation, it's as simple as that.


And now the 4 strokes are in danger because of noise ........................  ever feel like your damned if you do and damned if you don't?

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When I mentioned the noise of 4 strokes, I was speaking about motorcycling in general here in the USA.

Not necessarily Trials.



Back to topic,

Does the weight limit really do any good if the riders are just adding weight in the spots they want it, while keeping the bike itself light?

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Thats what i had hoped guys but it hasn't worked like that. I think you would have to have marked parts which had to last a number of rounds to achieve that but in a sport such as trials were lesser riders do lots of crashing i don't think its practical

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From # 362 Back to topic,

Does the weight limit really do any good if the riders are just adding weight in the spots they want it, while keeping the bike itself light?


If the above happens there is not much point. Its my view that a minimum weight limit set at the correct level means manufacturers do not have to waste money on lightweight product development or use exotic materials which often also results in more fragile parts.

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This was the original point, ie there is no reason to introduce a rule that serves no purpose.


No one wants a heavier bike, we've clearly established that.


Even if there were a point to the rule which could make bikes more reliable (they are anyway) the most crucial factor is to properly enforce it and police it. This could happen at WTC level but has never been done, and without wishing to repeat myself (I am for dadoffs benefit apparently he's forgotten) at club/centre/and probably national level its a complete non starter.


so succinctly, a weight rule will not produce reliability.

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Quite a lot want a heavier bike - hence the escalating values of twin shocks etc.


Never any problem enforcing weight limit at Karting, are trials types so thick they can't use scales.


As trials bikes have got lighter, sales have declined.

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