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Extra Novogar Round


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Just as a small update - We have around 45 entries so far with about 4 weeks left before entries close.

Clubmen - please don't be put off by the severity of the recent Inter Centre Team Trial. This was organised by a totally different set of people.

The Clerk of the Course for the Novogar round has asked that I inform people not to expect anything like that. I'm also marking out and I just won't be involved if it goes anywhere near that level - believe me - it won't.

Most of the team marking out the Novogar have ridden most of the Novogar rounds for the past two years. Our aim is to make it somewhere around Lomax level, so it's rideable for most Expert/Inter riders (even the aging lardies like myself). Superstars will still lose marks, but don't expect the British Championships.

Come on - have a go - there is some brilliant land in there.

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Your dad's written that. You're 18, I didn't start appreciating stunning views until I was...............well I don't think I've properly started yet, I still have to lie a bit :D

Not when I'm out in the countryside anyway.....beach maybe :lol:

But, I don't think you'll see any other scenery like this trial outside of Scotland. Ride round the side of the mountain/hill after the first couple of groups and it's unbelievable.

Some quality streams, with some banks, woods, dry rocks in between.

It's that good, I wish I wasn't marking it out, just so I could enjoy it more :)

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Little update - Marked out first 5 sections last Thursday, another 6 on Sunday, and 6 more tonight. Some lovely sections tonight - real quality rocks and waterfalls.

Don't worry - no near death experiences!!! Some of it really reminds me of some of the Scottish sections. Not that we're fooling ourselves, but it's a good honest trial.

I reckon I can get through almost all of the 17 so far, with the odd few which I'll have to have a real good go at, but there is nothing to break your neck on.

Please talk your local experts in to having a go - I'll put my neck on the line - it will be a thoroughly enjoyable ride for ALL Experts and most Inters (and Yorkshire Novices :lol: ). Tough on the arms, but nowhere near at the level of the Inter Centre Trial.

We've got to admit we're aiming at a level easier than the Yorkshire Novogars, but still quality sections.

I'll be taking some regs along to the Manx 2 Day and hassling people :D , and take up Andy's offer of front page on TrialsCentral, plus a TMX add for those that haven't found the web yet, but would appreciate it if those of you on TrialsCentral will pass on the word (and even the regs if you could) to anybody who enjoys a good quality trial.

Entries close on 12th September, we'd like to make it well worth while.

Anybody who has been to our Forest area loves it!!!

Please spread the word :)

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I was lucky enough to be up there when Gaz was marking out some of the sections and they just look superb!. For those of you who dont know, this is the same venue that hosted the Llanfyllin Forest Trophy Trial earlier this year which had a HUGE entry and was by far the largest attended trial in our centre for the whole season. :D

You can also expect a very well organised event as these guys were spot on with the Forest Trophy Trial considering the size of the entry.

Cant Wait :lol:

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Re - Novogar and posts re - severity etc and two routes.

" Original" is spot on I think when he reminds us that once you have two routes in this sort of Championship - the Expert route gets harder and harder and is just for a few - and the danger is that he Clubmen rote becomes an add -on.

Novogar is intended for Clubmen - OK they may well have to be reasonable Centre Clubmen. If the Experts from the Brit Champ choose to ride - OK - but it should not be aimed at them - and I see no problem in them loosing a very low number of marks.

It was Mike Rapley who has raised the topic in T & MX news - and I have just drafted a reply to him -almost finished and I will then email it to Mike. I think it fair he gets to read this first It is very long - as I have tried to cover quite a few points. After Mike gets the original - I will try my best to shorten it as much as possible - it will still be long - and Andy can decide if it is worthy of posting etc.

Finally - please note the intention will probably be to reduce the number of Novogar rounds in 2006 - as the Calendar ( as I have stated previously) was just too croweded last year.

One of the criteria we will certainly be looking at in selecting rounds is the ability of Organisers to stick to the original concept as stated above ie - a good traditional long lap trial - aimed at Clubmen ( as stated probably good Centre level)

John Collins

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Good points John but surely the acceptance of riders of Tom Sagars ability as "contenders" for the title after winning it recently has surely meant the severity has been way too hard for centre experts never mind clubman. Also this " aimed at clubman" thing should be in the regs and an idea of what defines a clubman aswell perhaps? if it was a bit easier it could also incorporate an over 40 championship which is sadly misplaced in the classic series.

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  Nigel Dabster said:
Good points John but surely the acceptance of riders of Tom Sagars ability as "contenders" for the title after winning it recently has surely meant the severity has been way too hard for centre experts never mind clubman. Also this " aimed at clubman" thing should be in the regs and an idea of what defines a clubman aswell perhaps?  if it was a bit easier it could also incorporate an over 40 championship which is sadly misplaced in the classic series.

Accepted - perhaps we have to look seriouisly at number of times you can win a Championship like this - ride by all means - but perhaps we need to consider that perhaps you could only defend it once?

As to definition of Clubmen - agree - but not so easy to come up with definition that works for all Centes - as I have said in my letter to mike rapley - a Clubman in Neath - is a hell of a lot difrent from a Clubman in Silsden?

I have also stated in reply to Mike that a few years ago when it was ACU Clubmans Chamopionship ( after original MCN Clubmans) - a few riders wrote into us and critrisiced that they had travelled and ridden in a so called Clubmans round - which was far to hard - and should not have been decscribed as such =- I think they were right - and so we dropped the term - and just caklled it Novogar - although I think the original intentions still remained.

Anyway - please just give me a day or two to try to download the reply I am sending to Mike ( done on airplane on way home from Germany Enduro using an old Psion 3 and a cocktauil stick - you see the problem for the ACVU fatcats!) and I will [post my rather extensive thoughts - then we can open up debate - and I alreday have it on agenda for ACU Trials Forum

John Collins

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Just returned from the pub, with among others Paul Sagar (Tom's dad), and I mentioned tonight that he shouldn't expect the world round at our Novogar.

Paul was in total agreement, that there is somewhere for riders to progress to if they feel they have outgrown the Novogar, but in any case, it's hard to ride even the easiest of the Novogars and stay in single figures (which I think the top boys should be aiming for).

Tom will not be bored at our trial, but the riders like myself will also be kept happy if we hit the right spot.

P.S. Would still be in the pub if it weren't for Doughbouys fitness regime :D

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