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Show Us Your Greeves

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My first bike was a Greeves Scottish way back in 1963. Had a few Greeves since then. When I retired a few years back I decided to bag another Greeves for old times sake and because it felt a bit odd not having a trials bike or, more specifically, a Greeves cluttering the shed, even though I'm now way too old to ride trials, and I'm retired in France where trials are few and far between, and my dodgy ticker would probably have a fit with the physical exertion of attempting to finish a trial, even an easy one. Anyways..., I was extremely fortunate to snap up this splendid TES a couple of years ago which was lovingly restored by Nick Cooke. Apparently it started life being built by Don Hitchcock for the 1964 Scottish complete with chromed bits as a tongue-in-cheek mickey-take statement of one-upmanship to Don Smith and his blinged-up chrome-plated TES. At the time Don Hitchcock was a Greeves semi-works sponsored rider who specialised in continental enduros and the ISDT, as well as acting occasionally as Dave Bickers' mechanic at continental meetings. Due to his close ties with the Greeves factory he was able to have access to various special parts such as (I believe) the original banana forks (now replaced). Whe I bought the bike it had a fibreglass Anglian petrol tank which, unfortunately, was blistering due to the ethanol additive in modern petrol. The tank was binned and replaced by a metal item hand made by Holtworks. Looks rather splendid, wot? Lack of use and old age dictate that I regretfully have put the bike up for sale. 



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On 30/12/2013 at 10:50 AM, laird387 said:


Another image to waken the memory banks, from the offroadarchive, shows Bill Wilkinson on his Greeves with Peter Gaunt walking up the section behind him and Don Smith (spectator on far left of image) carefully checking his choice of lines. Without checking further I reckon it's on the lower approach to 'Hollinsclough'.



Is that Don Smith, top left with the sideburns?

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