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Montesa 315 Engine Rebuild Cost?


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I think my only option is to bite the bullet fix it and get some enjoyment out of it, I don't think there will be enough parts on the bike to break and recoup anywhere near what I paid.

I've spoken to Alan from feet up today, really helpful guy so all been well should have the parts this week

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I rebuilt mine this time last year with all genuine bits from sandifords, eg mains, seals, piston kit, gaskets total bill was £514 most expensive part was the crankshaft they don't do a conrod kit so had to have a new crank @£195, barrel replate was £140

the rebuild was worth every penny in my opinion they are a fantastic bike love mine to bits

as mentioned in a previous post http://www.langcourt.com/page16.html for replating barrel

Edited by mont315
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Being a straight up kinda guy , I'd VISIT the seller ... But you did ride it before you handed over payment didn't you ?

And his Karma will get him in the end , ie. you get what you give .


Edited by axulsuv
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