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Sheffield Indoor


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Hi All.

Was wanting to know if there is any live streaming of the sheffield indoor? for us that live on the other side of the world lol

If not would be good to see this one day in the near future.

Thanks for any help.


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Only people who could stream it live would be the FIM and they aren't from what I can see. Press can't do video without paying a fee and even then it's limited to 20 minutes of clips. For the return, it's not worth it. Best you'll get is spectator video online post-event.

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Only people who could stream it live would be the FIM and they aren't from what I can see. Press can't do video without paying a fee and even then it's limited to 20 minutes of clips. For the return, it's not worth it. Best you'll get is spectator video online post-event.


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