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2 Stroke Troubles


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Hi again all,

I have come to all to ask for a small amount of guidance, I recently picked up a 1987 Suzuki TS50X as a winter run around in anticipation of the icy/snowy weather. It was rather battered but after a large delivery from Wemoto it is a good little bike except for the running of the engine.

It will start from cold after a couple of kicks on about a quarter throttle, it will then run for a minute (not revving over 6 or 7k happily) with choke on or off then it will die. It will then only start on full throttle bump starting and will run for less or no time.

I have been playing around with jetting and float heights but i cant seem to make any noticeable changes to it's behaviour to it whatever happens. I have recently changed the cylinder for a 70 kit though it was exhibiting similar symptoms before i changed it when it was running a standard 50cc kit.

So yea i'm lost and frustrated, does anyone have any thoughts?

Cheers, James

Edited by bantamjames
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sounds like it is flooding see what difference turning fuel off makes once started , is air filter ok and no airways restricted , float level could be wrong causing too hi fuel level ,also check for damaged reeds and they are closing ok ,check if spark still looks good after it stalls

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