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2 Tales About This Bike


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At 15 1/2 (summer 75 ) i had mamaged to get a second hand 250 bultaco saturday job and help from my dad.

I decied it need a new throttle some one gave me one and i fitted it ...... well i started it and it was wide open and would not shut off so with out even thinking
i put the brakes on clicked it into second and let the cluch out ( thinking i would stall it ) even with the brakes on it shot across the yard and i managed to get the front wheel on top of our 6ft wall for just a moment i was almost looking over the wall, we had a ladder laying against the bottom of the wall so i was standing now still had hold of the bike which i was keeping against the wall bike was still trying to get over the wall it would slide down a bit the back wheel would hit
the ladder find a bit of grip and shoot back up the wall lucky for me it had a decompresser which i had never really used but it saved the day and it was not to be the last time, when ever i see this photo of me and this bike i think about this tale and one thats just as good if not better ......

Me and my best mate got dropped off by my dad at sunny bank with my Bultaco two 15 year old one Bultaco, one thinks he can ride it the other wants a go .....
My dad tells me do not give mike a go he will hurt him self you know what he is like ..... well he had been asking me all week at school hes much bigger
and stronger than me so i was thinking he will be ok so after about an hour of him following me around i found a little path with a very slight up hill ( the thing i
did not think of was he needed to stay on the path and he did not ...... ) all was looking good he was standing on the pegs in second gear he went off the path sat down hit a big grass sod compressed the forks they rebounded off the big grass sod he gave it a hand full the back wheel found grip on his jeans climbed
up his leg as he let go it found enough grip on his white shirt to fire him back wards in a big W as it went shooting forwards i look at him first ? are you ok
he started laughing me to i used the decompresser stop my bike from over reving. The thing was he had a really good rear tyre print on his shirt and it had split
his jeans from front to back so you could see all of his under pants he was sat on the floor in a big W and we both could not stop laughing but what were
we going to tell my dad when he came back to pick us up we decided to say nothing unless asked. Well we loaded the bike in the van and he just kept
looking at us then said to me how could you ride over your mate like that the tyre print was from his jeans stright up his chest to almost his head we started laughing again my dad asked him if he was ok then mike told him about his first ride on a bultaco sherpa

Just wanted to cut and pasted this


Edited by bultacorock
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My first post here for several years!

I can not quite match these incidents but have others I will save for another day. I like bultacorock worked in a local garage whilst at School saving up the money for a Bultaco. Early in 1977 also at the grand age of 15 for the sum of £200 I become the proud owner of a Model 80 "KLR55K" similar to the one in the picture. I was a member of Essex School boys Trials club. Saturdays or other holidays myself and a friend with a TY175 and later a Beamish Suzuki would be dropped off near Felstead, Essex with two bikes, petrol and a packed lunch for the day. We practiced on the banks of a disused railway line. Our playground was several miles long. The line is now a nature reserve and cycle path. I do not think we would be welcome now.

I was talking to Allen Collier on Friday evening. For those of you who do not know the name. Allen was supported by a local dealer Jack Hubbards in Braintree from the late 60's through to late 70's and had a brand new Bultaco most years during this period. Allen was Eastern center champion several times during this period. One thing we discussed was that during the 70's we never referred to the bikes by the model number, In fact most of us at the time would not know the model number but just referred to the year. Allen has just got a 340 rebuilt and ready to ride so we should see him riding a Bultaco again soon after many years riding modern machinery.


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Hi Twinnshocks

Im sure your tales are good ones, i think i paid £ 160 mine, my dad had a go on it weeks later and said i don't think there is a single bering that is not on its last legs or completely gone, to me it was just magic endless fun. ( Sunny Bank was big old railway siding from the beginning of the railways it had every thing and was well away from most roads and housing they leveled it years ago now its a housing estate. I think mine was a 1971 I got a sherpa hand book with it, i still have it but its for the model after the one i had.

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back in the early 80s i use to go to a place in wigan what use to be a coal place big slag heaps loads of hills i had a suzuki 125 made into a trials i rember geting stuck in some mud and my mates was laughing at me they had Montesa bultacos and A aprilia trials. thos days was the best no body use to bother us i think its still there but i dont think you can ride there any more.

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One of the funniest things i saw my friend do, well we were some were in wales i think with Denbigh and Mold they always ran some of the best trials my friend had his new SWM the red and white one. Well it was his turn to go first, you can watch other riders but they may be really good and make it look easy, he was riding like a star in the stream but the tricky bit was out of the stream and up the muddy bank , there was this tree with low branches just before the crest anyway he gave it a hand full and shot up the bank found way more grip than he thougth he would and lost the fight just before the tree and hung his new SWM by the handle bar in the tree he was sat on his bum watching it swinging just feet away from the end cards i laugh so hard

Edited by bultacorock
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