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Tickets For Wtc Round


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Best to contact the Belgian federation. They're listed as organisers - http://www.fmb-bmb.be

A word of warning though - the last time the Belgians were given a world round they pulled out at short notice. As it was supposed to be the final round of the season it landed them in deep doo-doo with the FIM.

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I actually conned a guard and rode round part of the track, mega, I guess F1 has put the bosh on riding there.

Alexz Wigg sealed his first world Championship on that day in 06, but more pertinent is the fact 6 brits finished in the top 14 in the championship http://www.trialonline.org/01%20TRIAL.FIM/03.YOUTH/309.YOUTH%20CHAMPIONNATS/03%20CHAMPIONNAT%202000/YOUTH%202006.htm

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It's not been back there because of them pulling out of the final round in 2007. Had it been one of the early rounds of the season, it probably wouldn't have been such a big deal, but to cancel the final round with less than a month's notice put them on the FIM naughty list.


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Thanks for all the replys and great pictures!

It will be the first wtc event i will ever visit, so hope it won't be canceld.

The word overhere is that it will be organised and held by the same team and in the same location as the classic event at Awayle.

This is run every year, so i have good hopes it will run.

Hope to see you overthere this summer.

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