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Trials In The 1930s


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A typical scene from a traditional Yorkshire venue for trials over the years Dob Park Splash, used in the original Scott trial course but seen here in an excellent shot from the era in the 1931 Ilkley Grand National - and more recently in a trial where old friends from the sport of motorcycling can meet - the Ilkley Reunion.

Photographed very skilfully, with the equipment of the day - and contre-jour (into the sun) by W R Turner.

Les Chew (14) passes E Lawson (12) of Leeds, whose Scott has, momentarily we hope, succumbed, whilst H Clift (16) of Boroughbridge waits his turn.

Enjoy and reminisce.


Edited by laird387
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The 1930s looked to be an adventurous time to live if you were a motorcyclist!

About the only thing that we know about this image is that it was taken in November 1938 during the 'Guy Fawkes' trial - but there are several clubs that we know that run just such an event.

We are confident that it is a Western Centre event - and the machine was registered in Oxford, so there's another clue. We also have other shots, obviously taken in the same section that suggest it was known as 'Miles and miles'.

So armchair sleuths - get to it and throw us some more clues.



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I don't know whether this should be in the trials or scrambles category, because the only information on the back of the print is a note that says: 'Amateur MCC -1936 -Climb'.

It looks like a Velocette to me, from what little you can see.



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the good news is that dob park splash is still there and still looks exactly as it does in the photo. i make a small detour every year during or after Yorkshire classics pre65 round at Dob Park to just keep tabs . My grandfather ( who died aged 80 over 30 years ago)used to tell me tales of the splash..

the splash is still a part of Ilkley and District Motor clubs classic trial for cars and bikes although no longer used as a section it still requires a cautionary recon before attempting.

i believe from memory the last time it was used on the Scott was 1927

Edited by totalshell
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You have to sympathise with this poor fellow - I'll wager there's not many members haven't "been there - done that" somewhere along the line!

Happily we can preserve the lad's modesty because the only clue that we have on the back of the print is March 1936 - Fowlbrook Wood.

I know that was a venue seen in other South Eastern centre events - but more than that one can only empathise - and enjoy.


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On August Bank Holiday in 1939 - just a scant month before hostilities of the Second World War began in earnest - London's Wood Green club organised their annual Clayton Trophy trial 180 miles away from their base.

Always a popular event in the Peak District of the Yorkshie, Derbyshire, Staffordshire borders we can't identify the rider of the Triumph - but we can recognise that pile of limestone rocks and the road nearby. It is the 'Dow Low' section.

But can't you just feel the weight of that bike and look at the other obstacle, that rear stand.........



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