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Autographed Tank


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Just want to get a feel from the world trials community what they think. If someone had a gas tank off an 05 Montesa 4RT that was signed by all three of the factory riders, Fugi, Dougie and Marc Frexia, is it worth more than a stock tank.

Obviously, it would be a little more valuable to a big Hon-tesa owner/fan. Assuming a replacement cost of about 550 bucks American, what do you think someone would pay for it?

By the way, I'm not selling it. I'm just curious if it is as valuable as some are trying to convince me it is.

p.s. Picture of said tank under Montesa thread.


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i would imagine that itere will be the odd few people who are real collectors, that will, in years to come, pay much more for it, but those people would be few and far between, if i personally had a signed tank it would hold much more sentimental value to me than anyone could pay for it. (well, maybe we can all be bought at some point) as far as value goes, it is a second hand tank, yeah it has the signatures on it, but to people other than collectors why should they pay more than they need to.

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mmm...as some of the posts already suggest trialsman...I dont think trials riders...(on the whole) are really into that kind of thing.

Dont get me wrong...I'd like my bike signed by Dougie too, but I guess most people wouldnt pay much more for it.! <_<

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