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2006 250Pro Ignition Problems?


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Just wondering if anyone can help, my brother has a 06 250 pro with kokusan ignition. about 12months or so ago the bike died and just couldnt get a spark which turned out to be the cdi unit so we replaced it but when i borrowed his bike last weekend it lost spark again and yet again it seems to be the cdi unit causing the problem ..... so i'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them or knows of anything that could be causing them to go? or are we just having some really bad luck??

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I had the same issue on my 06 and was advised to strip down the loom to the basics, (i.e. cutting out the unused wiring to the lights, horn and indicators, etc). (this was a forum topic many years ago!)

I didn't really understand why this should resolve the problem, but it has as it has run well ever since.

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If you kick the bike over without the spark plug earthed this can wreck the CDI. Basically what happens is that if the spark energy can't dissipate to ground it goes back into the coil and CDI and burns something out in there.

Before replacing the CDI again check the stator (source and trigger coil) outputs.

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make sure your earting pionts are good and clean. I think your cdi has its own earth wire, if its not that good a connection it could cause issues with cdi init.

If you have the seperate coil version, check that too, not sure if that has to be grounded.

Just a thought.


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