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Elbow Guards?

renegade master

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Hi Guys, Anyone got any good suggestions for protection gear? Looking to get some elbow pads and maybe a back protector, rather than the whole vest which is uncomfortable to wear while trialing, is hard shell elbow pads better protecton then soft shell, has anyone used these?



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I've used six six one pads for downhilling and can highly reccomend them. However, they can and do move around if you have the individual pads, so I ended up using a complete zip up vest from six six one and it was much better as you had elbow, shoulder, chest and back protection all in one. I spent just shy of £100 on the body armour.....

Look on the chain reaction website as they have a decent selection of makes. Not many mountain bike shops will stock them, unless you can find a shop that sells DH or all mountain oriented bikes.

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Sports direct sell some muddy fox stuff which my son used for a while and were very good considering what you pay.....

He used the soft ones that you pull on along the arm rather than the hard shell ones that Velcro on, as he said as he rode the Velcro ones had to be adjusted as they got tighter, but the soft ones didn't.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi bud, I'm into my first couple wobbly trial events and loving it :-) , starting the sport at 39 with a job and mortgage to worry about, so am also in the market for some low profile under shirt, protective pads just incase. Last weekend, I visited West Bay, 'Helmet City' Shop, I've tried on the Fieldforce Pro shirt, and very good it is too. On the same rack was a Knox Venture top, similar features with spine protection at £115. I'm probably getting the Venture when funds allow, didn't know I was wearing it to be honest ( may get warm in summer though ) , allows full mmovement and lightweight. All the best

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  • 1 month later...

Hi - I'm similar to terrier above; 40+, mortgage, two kids, and just starting trials having never ridden off road before.

After quite a lot of searching around I use a Fox Titan Sport body armour jacket - lightweight mesh jacket with back, chest, shoulder and elbow guards. When its warm I just wear a T-Shirt over the top, and when colder a jacket. I don't find it restrictive and it gives me a good bit of confidence.

I also have knee pads that go under my trousers.

When I get better and more able I may reduce the armour but frankly I'd rather wear it than not! It's helped me bounce off a few trees and rocks so far so I'm happy!

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I tried the plastic panel on mesh suit style armour and found it too hot and restrictive. I now wear a O’Neal Stealth Protector Shirt, once warm the elbow and shoulder armour is so soft and flexible that you don't even notice it.

Only downsides are cost at £100 and it's a pain to wash as not all of the armour is removable.

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Hi Alanp, I wen't for the Fieldforce Pro Shirt in the end bud. I'm not herioc enough to take risks now. I've also got the fieldforce limb tubes for knees which are awsome. Lovely kit that moves with me. I'm not trialing for expert, just doing occasional club easy's and enjoying the company being back on two wheels from a road bike background. Yes, the shirt gets hot, I can deal with that, as used to having to work outside all week, and down southwest UK, a lot of our trials I've done so far have been in shaded woodland so not too bad.

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