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Suzuki In Trials


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This is Dave Fisher on his 325 Suzuki in one of our Bath Classic club trials in 1999.

Several people have called to query why there were modern Japanese models in our Classic trials and the answer is very simple, we included a 'Clubman' class for members of the club with modern bikes who knew that they were going to ride the same classic sections as the old bikes, but wanted a ride for practice, or whatever.

By them paying an entry fee and filling in the entry form we were able to keep it all legal and above board, with correct landowners and third party insurance cover, and they got to have fun on their bikes.

It also had another effect - several acquired classic bikes so that they could join in the full competition.



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On a 250 Suzuki borrowed from BBC lighting man Andy Frizzell, Mac Price concentrates hard, with few clues in

the background as to the trials location. The verdict is that it was a club trial in 1977 at the old Kingsbury

brickworks, south of Tamworth.



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Alan Wright's first Suzuki outing was in the Cotswold Cups trial in March 1975, riding one of the earliest of the Japanese trials bikes on the open muddy hillsides of Lyppiatt Park, Stroud. Watching is long-time Western Centre expert Bill Andrews.



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ALan Wright again, on his favourite 325 Suzuki, this time at a Lickey Ash trial in the Teme Valley north west of Worcester.

The section is 'Stanford Bridge', just up the road from the famous old Shelsley Walsh hill climb, scene of a lot more interesting two and three-wheel machinery in action over the years.



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