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Ossa Mar Brake Pedal


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On the OSSA MAR / TR77 brake pedal cross shaft where the chain tensioner pivots a pin is required, should this be a roll pin or something else maybe with a head to secure the chain tensioner spring?

Can the rear brake pedal be installed and removed with the engine in the frame.

Never having previously owned an OSSA and starting with a basically good but partially dismantled bike the reassembly raises a few questions so any assembly hints and tips you have will be welcome. Thank you all.

Edited by trialsrfun
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Hi, I`ve tapped the hole in the shaft and put a stainless bolt in because I found that the original screw was bent and kept on working out, scratching the swingarm.

I`ve not tried to remove it with the engine in the frame as it was a pig to take out with the engine out!!

Cheers, Nigel.

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The tensioner spring does use a roll pin to locate it as original fitment.

The brake pedal assembly is nigh on impossible to fit or remove with the engine in. To have a fighting chance you have to fit the bushes after you have located the shaft - or remove the bushes before trying to remove the shaft. Without the bushes, you can get more angle on the shaft when waggling it around. The problem is usually the brake pedal as it invariably gets stuck somewhere.

What I've done on mine is cut a piece off the end of the shaft on the clutch side so that there is more clearance when trying to juggle it out

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I now have the frame back from the powder coaters (the quoted 'done in 3 day's' was done in 2 weeks) swing arm fitted, brake pedal/chain tensioner on then the day job took all my time & energies so engine ready and waiting to come next.

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Hi trialsrfun, did you use the powdercoaters in Staffs? They did mine in a day!!! But I sent the yokes back to have them stripped and polished.....that was 5 weeks ago and I still haven`t had them back!! It`s a good job that work has taken off and I`m finding it a struggle to fit work, eating and sleeping into 24 hours never mind rebuilding the Ossa!!

Cheers, Nigel.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello People

I have just obtained an Ossa Mar basket case of 1977 vintage, By the rear shock mounts it appears to be a Mk3 frame.

Not having owned an Ossa for many years I cannot remember how the top hat rear brake bushes fit. Do they fit from the inside out (My guess) or outside in?


Thanks in advance Bob.

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They push in from the outside


If the rear top shock mounts are level with the bottom side panel mount it's a '76 MK3 MAR.  If they're level with the top side panel mount it's a '77/78 TR77 black frame, green tank, or a '79 TR77 Verde, green frame.


You can check with the engine/frame number (should be the same) here



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Hi rocker1 welcome to TC, I notice that you are located not far from Marlimar which is the place for OSSA advise and parts. The shock mount bolts are m7 fine which are a non iso size, readily available but you may have to send away for them.

Do a search here on Trials Central there is lots of info on OSSA all models.

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Thanks Trialsrfun and Woody.

Steve Sell is a mate and has been for some 30 years but I asked here as I don't like to bother people with phone calls on a Sunday. You chaps can answer or not as you wish.

I made some new bushes and as I hadn't removed the old ones was a bit stuck. All sorted now.

Thanks again Bob.


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