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Good Rear Shock Replacement For Beta Tr 34


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# 01 While my Beta bike just struggled to run proper due to a lost teeth on the clutch compartment side, which could be solved by a donor base engine.

Then again the moped went in OFF modus by the Motoplat ignition were the internal electronic components decided to fail after 5 minutes of running after # 01 was done. Which is remarkable embarrassing in my personal thoughts as there ate again some in deep going labor needed to get this problem fixed, I now - after swallowing this "frog" too have only one part left that hasn't been updated / refurbished / maintained very much as it works until now. It's the rear suspension, being a light rider I have some problems with standard shocks as they are mostly to stiff. The shock of the Beta - still the original first one - works estonishly well which can be just therefore the case it probably very well used.

Anyway long story shortened a bit, what kind of replacement have you chosen for your Beta TR 34 and hoe good did the replacement shocks work. Very useful are replacements were springs can be choosen individually to match the riders weight?

Thanks in advance !

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