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Replica Gas Gas Brake Pipe Damaging Fork Leg


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I have a 2013 gas gas raga replica and I have noticed the damage that is being caused by the front brake hose rubbing on yoke and right hand fork leg I have spoken to other replica owners all with the same fault I e mailed gas gas uk about this problem they said they have never come across this fault I also checked with gas gas parts the clip holding the hose is correct for model eventually the fork will leak because of hose rubbing coating off fork if you have replica check for same damage if so take some pictures and send them to gas gas along with frame no. These parts are expensive to replace Yours Chris laws.

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I cut the clamp down so it nipped up tighter and glue innertube on the inside then placed it higher in the middle. Also rerouted the brake hose as is ran inside the clutch hose holding it in.

I wouldnt normally bother but mine as the red forks.

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