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Scorpa Or Fantic


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Hi all, Iv been looking at a 2006 Scorpa SY 250 good nick no issues & a Fantic 200 ( 1979 ) totally orginal and in cracking nick.

The question I throw out to you is.... which one ? Im 53, had a lay off ( injury ) and now just wanting to have some fun and ride ( no events though ) so no pressure lol. :hyper:

I know these bikes are 2 totally different animals but any thoughts would be gratefully received.

Previously owned Gassa'a & Beta's

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If your just playing and want a bike to ride and then leave and pick up again in a month or two and ride again, go Scorpa.

Bull it proof Yam engine, great fun.

If your competing at fun trials, go twinshock class, read non injuring, and get the fantic.....

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I agree with jonboy above ... Except for one detail , The Fantic in "great nick" as you chaps say may cost a little more to maintain than the scorpa , but it will also appreciate in value ... I can't see the scorpa ever being more than a break even (maybe) bike , The fantic will be able to pay for itself if you get it at a reasonable price , But Get one of them and get out and play ! It's great for the mind and soul !!


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for a wash and ride bike the scorpa for an appreciating asset the fantic. for an easy ride both are fairly equal though the modern bike will always be easier ( suspension wins that battle)

i d pop for the fantic . i have one and a beta if i had to get somewhere cross country ie setting out trials then id choose the beta if i were playing on apiece of land the fantic

not an easy choice for you.. both would be best..

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Thanks guys for the replies, just to add to the mix Iv been offered a 03 GG TXT PRO 280.... Iv had 2 GG 250s so know the bikes, Now the ball is up in the air...

Decisions Decisions.... Keep your thoughts coming in ... I know its all a personal choice but its good to hear your opinions guys.


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Scorpa sounds favourite 280 gas gas would be a handful and weren't that sorted at that age.Fantic wouldn't depreciate but is far more limited in ability and may become difficult and expensive to get parts for

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I would go with the Scorpa, easier to ride as its probably lighter, it will have much better brakes and suspension than the Fantic. it won't be so much of a hand full as the 280

But any of them will be ok though if you are only playing.

I am 52 and have an old Gasser and twinshock bikes, but find the Gasser much easier to ride than my TLR or TL.


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