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'03 Beta Rev3 Slow To Rev Up


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I have a 03 Beta Rev3 and if I blip the throttle in neutral the engine revs take forever to climb. The bike has got the white throttle tube, so it's not that.

Plenty of compression - I even struggle to kickstart it with all my 75 kg sometimes (could this be a sign of something wrong?)

Starts easily though with choke on and idles well once warmed up and the choke off.

New spark plug set to 0.6 mm.

New fuel mix.

Cleaned out the carb.

I took it to the local Gasgas agent (just because he is close by) who said "that's just the way they are".

I compared my Rev3 to a 06 Gasgas Txt 280 and the Gasgas is soooooo quick to rev!

Is this Just the way the older Betas are?

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Yeah the bike might have an added electrical side flywheel weight and if its a 250 will have a primary side flywheel. The flywheel bikes are much smoother over the choppy bits but require a different technique. Essentially you use the clutch to modulate power. For instance a sharp climb with little run where on a fast revving bike you aim and pull the throttle with a heavy flywheel bike you build revs with the clutch in and drop the clutch to accelerate. At the top the fast rev bike requires you to ease off and feather the throttle or you risk a stall. With the flywheel bike you should be off the throttle when the front has cleared and engine inertia can carry you the rest of the way. Both engine styles work with a little adjustment.

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Never said it was easy. The primary flywheel is pretty close to the sight glass and I don't see it. Obviously to be certain you can drop the side cover.

That being said the older bikes do rev up slower than the new ones. Look at the bright side. Once we all go back to no stop and heavier bikes you'll be ahead of the curve.

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Can`t see much for oil in the window. I never liked the `03. Did not seem to make much power, but it still would rev. Sure the mains are not shot? The `03 is the only bike that left me stranded with bad mains.

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