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2013 Acu Inter-Centre Team Trial


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It seems to me that some members have the idea that an 'ARCHIVE' is only reserved for historical images.

This is NOT my understanding of the word - as far as I am concerned I use ARCHIVE in the sense of being a STORE - so as soon as an image comes out of the direct camera it becomes part of the archive of stored images.

My archives will always include images taken up to and including yesterday, so I recommend current riders to check regularly - you might see yourself featured one of these days........

Here is just such an image from Barry Robinson, showing the team representing the Cheshire and North Wales Centre in the 2013 event.

They are, L to R, Tom Dexter (15) GasGas - from East Midlands; Declan Bullock (1) Beta 125; Kyle Hayes (4) Beta 300; Joshua Woods (3) Beta 300 and Bradley Bullock (2) Beta 300.



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Barry Robinson photographed all the teams in the event at the Tong Centre in Bradford, here is the Wessex team. L to R: Colin Crease (58); Kurt Brain (57) FP Sherco 300; Fred Adams (59) Montesa 4RT; Thomas Crease - team manager; Number 61 should be Craig Talbot Beta 300 but we don't recognise who it is(?) and Lee Hassall (60) Gasgas 250.



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And here is Barry's photograph of the East Yorkshire team. L to R: Tom Afflect (21) Sherco 300; Shaughan Galway (19) ; Andrew Chilton (20) Beta 300; Number (17) should be Michael Brown GasGas300, but isn't (?) and Guy Kendrew (18) Beta 300. Is the rider on the far right the manager Pat Galway?



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The South Western team photographed by Barry Robinson. L to R: Alan Pearce - manager(?); Alexz Wigg (55) Gas Gas who according to the programme is in the South Midlands team!; Sam Haslam (53) Sherco; Rob Pollard (56) Beta; Ricky Wiggins (52) MRS Sherco and Bradley Cox (54)Beta also from the South midlands team and should be riding number 49 according to the programme.



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Here is the South Eastern team, photographed by Barry Robinson.

L to R: Ash Newbery (44) Beta 290; Ben Wibberley (43) INTA Gas Gas; Thomas Moss (46) Gas Gas 300; Should be James Fry (45) Sherco 300 according to the programme but who is it? and Ben Morphett (42) JST INTA Gas Gas.



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Now it's the turn of the Ulster team to ride into Barry Robinson's photographic studio.

L to R: Andy Perry (81) Sherco 300; Chris Brown (82) Gas Gas 280; Jonny Lunney (83) Sherco 300; Robert McCrory (84) Gas Gas 300 and Stuart Hanlon (85) Gas Gas 250.



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Here is 80% of the winning Yorkshire team ('cos Dan Thorpe has gone walkabout!)

Photograph: Barry Robinson, enjoy.

L to R: Jonathan Richardson (84) Ossa 300; Richard Sadler (83) Sherco 300; Martin Crosswaite (75) Montesa 300 and Jack Stones (72) Gas Gas 300.


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According to the ACU programme this is the east Midlands team, comprising, L to R, Chris Pearson (11) MRS Sherco; Luke Walker (14) MRS Sherco;Corey Dubik (16) Gas Gas; Richard Timperley (12) MRS Sherco and Tom Dexter (15) Gas Gas. Photographed by Barry Robinson.



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The team from the North Western Centre, photographed by Barry Robinson, L to R; George Morton Beta 300; Andrew Cripps (39) Sherco 300; Josh Law (38) Gas Gas 300; Jack Spencer (40) beta 300 and Paul Sullivan (41) Gas Gas 300. Enjoy.


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The Eastern Centre sidecar teams, photographed by Barry Robinson, L to R. Alistair Allan and Nick George (104) Beta 300; Chris Dellow and Fiona Strachan (103) Beta 250; Daniel and Angela Hornsby (102) Sherco 290 and Mark Kemp and Ian Allaway (101) Jam Beta 290.



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The South Eastern Centre sidecar team, photographed by Barry Robinson, L to R, Rob Head and Aaron Jacobs (108) Sherco 290; Darryl Dale and Hannah Etherington (110) Beta 290; Rupert and Chris Kimber (111) Beta 290 and Pete Dale, passenger not known (109) Beta 290.



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Sidecars from the Wessex centre, photographed by Barry Robinson, L to R, Jon Tuck and Matt Spakes (115) Jotagas 300; Andy Scrivels and Martin Lawford, Beta 300; Dave Tuck and Steve Chandler (116) Beta 300 and Josh and Luke Golding (117) Beta 290. Enjoy.


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The Yorkshire centre sidecar team photographed by Barry Robinson, L to R, Robin and Sam Luscombe (122) Beta; Nigel Scott passenger not known, (120) Beta; Benny Chambers, unknown passenger (121) Montesa and Kevin Morley with Les Ashby in the chair (119) Beta. Enjoy.


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