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Gas Gas Txt Pro V-Force 3 Reeds?


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hello all,

i was just wondering what people opinions are on the V-force reed block? is it worth the investment and does it make a huge difference with the dellorto or keihin carb?

correct me if i am wrong, but its the same reed block as you would get for a honda CR250 correct?

thanks in advance for any input, thank!

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The procedure is pinned to the top of the Beta forum in PDF form. Basically clean the glue out from between the pads and smooth the sides of the tabs on the aluminum plates that ride in the grooves of the clutch basket. It's made many happy Beta owners.

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I have VForce on my Beta with the Keihin. Love 'em. The bike can pull a gear higher without stalling. It literally is the first mod I do to a new bike. The second being the clutch fix but that's a Beta thang.

I'm with Dan on this too. When I was building engines for Pros, Moto Tassinari send us two prototype reed assemblies for testing. They worked very well and I found them a good addition to the ultra-high performance engines needed at the Pro level. Essentially, the V-Force block doubles the reed petal sealing surface area so the reeds do not need to open as far for necessary flow. They are less restrictive and more responsive so they work well at all RPM ranges. A good product.


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cheers for the reply guys!

i think I'm going to make the 145 euro investment for the reeds.

i have found the best place to get them is from Italy, being in Europe its not such a big issue.

here is the parts number for the MOTO TASSINARI V-force 3 reed block is: MTV305A.

i believe it fits many other models, but from my research the most common is Honda CR 250 1994 - 1999.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having serious doubts that a CR 250 reed block would even come close to fitting my Gasser I looked into the MTV305A part # given by eddyr_00 and that is not a reed block that will fit a GasGas.

They are only for gasgas TXT pro build from 2002 until 2007


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