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Trials For Enduro Bikes

beta mike m

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Hi guys, I got a trails bike to improve my go fast riding. Well it did that very well. But I also found myself hooked on trials in a big way. Now I need a buddy to ride trials with but all my mates ride enduro or mx bikes. I have a large backyard with a bunch of trials stuff to play on, and a mx track. My dirt bike club has an event here every summer. What I want, is to set up some fun trials type stuff that my enduro and mx mates can ride. I want fun stuff that's not to dangerous like most of what I have out there. Stuff that may lead to them buying a trials bike. Stuff that would showcase slow riding skills. Got any ideas for me. Thanks guys!

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I recently returned to trials after a 28-year break. I purchased a 1985 TY 350 last summer and began riding with a pal that had, just a few months earlier, purchased a 2006 CRF 450. He had never heard of trials, but after several months of trail riding together, started to gain an appreciation for the style. We are back to riding together this spring, and after a winter of watching training videos, he's announced that he is in the market for a modern trials bike. Maybe, you should just go riding with your mates and show them what you can do. They may come along.

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