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Tlr200 Valve-lifter


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Just got a TLR 200. Very nice, WES exhuast, new rims, new mudguards and a load of mother stuff, all the original road gear, never been trialed as far as we can find out.

Problem is, it's a b**ch to start!

It has a valve lifter doobrey of the top of the barrel, but nothing on the bars. Does anyone else have one at all?

Also, when 'flipped' out the kickstart is not at 90 degrees to the bike, and hen kicked it folds up again and hooks under the footrest!

Does anyone have any ideas?

Cheers, Pete.

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Also, when 'flipped' out the kickstart is not at 90 degrees to the bike, and hen kicked it folds up again and hooks under the footrest!

Sounds to me as if the kickstart is worn.

Is there a lot of play in the pivot bolt of the kickstart, replacing this (normal M8 allen headed bolt with locknut will do but try to get non threaded portion as long as possible) and 'shimming' the bolt hole as tight as possible will help a bit. Otherwise a visit to the local breakers for an alternative kickstart to fit - there are lots of old 125 hondas out there..

As for being a pig to start is this technique (assuming you are used to a t** stroke -no criticisim meant) or just a poor starting bike. Feel the bike just over TDC after compression stroke and then give bike a good kick - then it should fire relatively easily. A manual valve lifter makes feeling the bike over TDC easier but an automatic decompressor makes kicking the bike easier.


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I've found that the pilot jet is critical for good starting of all Honda singles, check that it's clear and the right size ( one size bigger helps on most Honda trials bikes ) If in any doubt buy new jets, David silver will have them and not expensive. Also make sure the generator is ok, intermittant problems are common on the smaller Honda trials bikes, I guess maybe due to heat.

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  • 1 month later...

Right, finally am online again to update (back at school!)

Took kickstart off, tightend it all up and filed off a little bit so it is now nice and stiff, and 90degrees to the bike. This has helped immeasurably when starting the beast. Still takes a bit of a fiddle to get it to go, and valve-lifter not added yet, as other projects have got in the way. Looking forward to getting going properly (tickover is a bit iffy atm) and riding it more than just up-and-down the road a few times!

Thanks for your help gus, will keep you posted of any more developments.

Cheers, Pete.

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