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Iow British Youth Trials

as iow

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Having spent most of this year planing the last round of the British youth trials championships in October, we now feel bitterly disapointed to hear that some of the so called stars may not bother entering as there champiomship class's have already been decided.

Well thanks very much :wall:

We have got Steve Saunders to build the sections for the Saturday night indoor trial, arranged a cheep ferry rate with Red Funnel ferries, got local radio, and now TV intersted, trying to get Barry Robinson from T& MXN to do the press coverage, sold most of the sections to sponsors to raise money for the local hospice,etc etc.

Our lads spend most weekends traveling to the mainland to compete in trials all over the country, so if people can't be bother to come and support us just once a year and show some appreciation for all the time and effort we are putting in to this weekend, i think it's a bloody poor show, and makes me feel why the hell should we bother in the future :blink:

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Topic moved.

Whilst I can totally understand and appreciate your frustration, I wouldn't blame the lads over this. Due to lack of sponsorship, for many of them, it's down to what their parents can afford and if their position has already been decided then why fork out more?

The issue comes down to finances - as does everything these days. This is a mainstream Trials website, considered by many as No. 1 for Trials news, yet I struggle to get Youth results. If I can't get them then I can't publicise them. If I can't publicise them then how are names ever going to get noticed? Getting noticed means sponsorship. Getting sponsorship means being able to attend events.

It's as equally frustrating for me who wants to promote Youth Trials as it is for those organising them. Even if the results don't come directly to this site they MUST go back to the ACU, but they don't pass them on. They should then be propagated to the Press by them and it isn't happening - at all. It's not just Youths - it's Novogar, it's British Championship and it's frustrating.

As owner of this site and one who tries (but sometimes fails!) to stay correct and unbiased, it's not often I veer into personal opinion, but having attended several World Rounds this year and seen the support the young lads from other countries get from their governing bodies and how little our lads get, I feel strongly enough about it to say don't blame our Brit hopefuls, blame the ACU for not supporting them.

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Point taken, but how come these lads can afford to go and compete all over Europe, but not support there own domestic championship properly.

We are trying to sell the indoor charity trial to sponsors, on the understanding that the best youth riders in the country will be taking part, so if they can't be bothered to turn up it make's us look a bit stupid. :blink:

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Simply because having your face seen in Europe means more than having your face seen in the UK. Factory representatives rarely go to UK rounds. They do go to European rounds, same as they go to world rounds. I've learned loads this year :blink:

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So the fact that we are making a massive effort to get this weekend covered by the media means nothing, so lets all stay at home and look after ourselfs. Sod the British championship, lets all save are time & money and wait untill our lads are old enough and spend our money riding in europe, that's the attitued.

Listen all you clubs out there, don't waste your time putting on any more National trials, cos'e no ones' intersted, everyone wants to ride in Europe. :blink:

why don't we just pop out on the morning of the trial and put a few sticks in the ground that should keep everyonr happy. :wall:

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I reckon - change tack quickly - get an email to John Dickinson (as not everybody is web enabled yet), something along the lines of:

All eyes turn to the IoW for the final British Youth Round of the year, and what is looking to be the biggest and most publicised event of the year etc etc etc.

Do the big sell and see what interest you can muster up from the top boys, even if you have to call a couple to push them along.

The others will follow if the prospect is of a real big event.

Apologies - I may be talking boll**ks here, as I know very little about the youth scene, and I know nothing of what you may have tried already, but at this point in time I reckon positivity is the way to go.

I can understand your frustration, but still time to affect decisions presumably?

Edited by bikespace
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is it the top lads who ar'nt going? could understand if your no-where in the championship, then it would be pointless for them. Guess there no date clashing with an adult British round or an event abroad, thats happened too much this year. Andy is correct, a lot of it is funds and lack of support. R.F.M.E (Spanish equivalent of the ACU) have huge trucks to support their riders, same with the french. British have to do it on their own :blink: Nothing to do with you putting on the event because it sounds fantastic! Can understand your frustrasion & dissapointment. It'll be nothing personal!

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Andy is correct, a lot of it is funds and lack of support. R.F.M.E (Spanish equivalent of the ACU) have huge trucks to support their riders, same with the french. British have to do it on their own

So do you want to pay

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Alan try to see the bigger picture, and put yourself in the place of, err, say lee Sampsons dad.

Without being too personal he's not flush with cash, an ordinary working guy and Lee is a student. (I think). He has lost the 250cc Championship due to international riding (expensive but factory have taken notice of him) and other reasons so why should he spend the extra to attend the last round if its a long way from home and his championship position will be unaffected? The fact that its your round and on the iow has got nowt to do with it is my guess.

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So unless we get a early round in the championship next year we tell the A.C.U. no thanks, because that reflects the same attitued as some of the top riders OK :wall:

Brickfields arena had to be booked last year for this indoor trial and that will have to be paid for. as will Barry Robinson's expences. If this trial is'nt important to the top riders we may as well save everyones time and money and scrap it now :blink:

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That sort of makes it sound like the top riders are the only ones that matter.

Is it that the entry is so far reduced that it won't be worth it, or are we just missing the odd top rider?

Unless there is something in place to force riders to ride the last round, there is nothing that can be done other than actually communicating with the riders directly and trying to influence their decision.

Maybe that should be introduced? All riders must enter the final round? I dunno. Seems daft having the last round as the most difficult to get to - I know that's probably not your doing.

Some riders can't afford to make generous gestures by paying a few hundred quid to get to a trial which they would just be riding for pleasure, when they could do it locally for pennies.

I know it's not too good at all, but without unlimited money, it's the way things work.

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Just some other thoughts,

It could have come down right to the wire with a bunch of places being decided by the last event as well. Then everyone in a close race would want to be there.

As a promoter you pays your money and roll the dice. You stack things as much in your favor as you can, but at the end of the day, sometimes the breaks do not come your way.

I too would suggest a direct and positive appeal to the riders that you are concerned about not making it. If money is not an issue from your end, offer to cover or at least offset their expenses.

Use the fact that you will be providing massive media coverage for the event. Have a live feed into Trials Central. See if you can convince someone that the others want to see to come as well. Tie your event to something else that could swing them over the top, maybe something that the missus could do while the event is going on.

There are tons of things that are possible, it is up to you which you decide to put into play. I will say though, that saying negative things about the riders who do not come, I would seriously doubt makes any of them change thier minds.

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There seems to be several issues here - and I will try to address at least some of them.

Firstly - Re And'ys point about difficulty in obtaining results/placings for various Championships. At start of year - I promised there would be an improvement in what is sent out.

I have just checked each and every Email I have received from Mick Wren - who co-ordinates the Novogar - and sends me a series update after every round - and in each and every case - Trials Central is included in the mailing - the last one I have being 20th July. - Trials Central are most definitely on list - so received it at same time as all at ACU.

I have checked the British Solo Championship - and again - in each and every case - the results I have been sent - usually within an hour of the event being finished - also list Trials Central as having received them at same time. I will check on some other Championships after the weekend - but am fairly sure updates have been sent in.

Now - to the case in point about Youth Trials in IOW - and without going down the rabbit hole of big trucks and other tosh.

Riders from IOW. IOM, N. Ireland have year after year suppoprted mainland Championships. To me - it seems only fair and equitable that these venues be awarded Championships on occasion. Of course they will be more difficult to get to - but as long as they are not held on too frequent occasions - surely they should be supported ?

The riders from these places have also found it expensive over the years - and remember it is not just once a year for them - but sometimes every week.

With this in mind - we have in past few years awarded Sammy Miller Championships to IOW, British Champ to Ireland - and Sidecar to IOM - in each case their riders have been good supporters of the events - and it is only fair to see a round held on their home ground occassionaly.

Very often - people enjoy the actual feeling of being " off - the mainland" - and tell me it is rather like being abroad - without the language to contend with. Not everyone rides UEM and World rounds - and so the experience of travelling slightly further afield can be a good one.

There is a danger in only running rounds of any Championship just in the most convenient/popular places - as far too ofetn it means that everything lands up North of Brum.

We in Wales - have also suffered poor entries in many events over the years - due to distance to travel etc - and there is a danger that eventually organisers just say - stuff it - why bother with a Championship at all - lets just cater for our own lads?

Just a few months ago - we were all extremely worried that we had little venues to ride on - now just a few months later we seem to have forgotten - and wish to be more selective - well watch this space - for I have a horrible feeling that by Spring next year we could all well be down on our knees begging the likes of IOW, IOM and Ireland to help us out.

If the IOW - as seems obviouis have made all this efort to put on such an event - it needs suppoprt - end of story.

Now - there seems to be quite a fair amount of desire that the ACU provide a large truck - appoint people who have shown no interest so far as full time coaches - and presumably people to drive it around etc.

I have seen a few proposals thrown about - what I have yet failed to see are any actual costings - perhaps someone would care to draw up a few estimates - and then at least we could discuss it sensibly

Spanish Federation - are much quoted buy Uncle Tom Cobbly and all as providing all these things - and many are envious - I myself am probably envious - as the people who hold positions such as mine in the Spanish Federation are on a wage - I am on sod all.

The fact is that in order to have sensible debate - we need to look at how the Spanish raise their funds - I will try to gleen some facts for a future post - but just a few simple facts to digest not to waste peoples time

a) Forget the drivel you have recently read in TMX about Road Race taking all the money and us poor Trials riders having to subsidise them - this is categorically not - I repeat not the case - in fact the shoe is well on the other foot - and when the Road racers start perhaps to question the figures - and ask where their money is all going please direct your dismay at someone else ( all Centres now have in their possesion the actual figures of licence money raised etc)

c) Do we know the actulal figures of riders who contribute via licences/levies in Spain/France etc - I know we are passionate about our sport - but we are a small island - and I suspect we need to compare our number of riders with theirs as well as how entry fee's are divided up.

I am fairly sure - there is a fairly good contribution from events back into the Federations in other countries as well as licence fee - we do not work on this system. For every event - there is very little if any flow back of money into our Federation - the initial Permit is bought for less than a packet of fags - and except for the

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