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Removing Rad


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So my radiator is leaking and iv heard they arnt cheap to replace. Need to get it out to investigate but it seems a rather snug fit.

Any ideas how to get it out without removing too much?

Bikes a 2012 250


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Think your going to have to remove the head, just done a 2011 and it's v tight. The fan unit rubs against the face of the rad top and bottom thus it leaks, whack some metal sealant in their it should cure it.

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Think your going to have to remove the head, just done a 2011 and it's v tight. The fan unit rubs against the face of the rad top and bottom thus it leaks, whack some metal sealant in their it should cure it.

Really!? Can't they do anything right? This is the first AND last GasGas i've bought. Bunch of amateurs.

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Just done the same job on my 2013 280 after a slight whoopsy... Sadly You'll need to remove the head to get it out. Top tip from our local importer was when you come to re fitting the o rings rub them liberally with grease and stretch them a wee bit - they should then sit in the groves nicely while you re fit the head. Also gives you the chance to clean up any carbon on the head and piston so worth the effort IMHO.

hope this helps

Paul Mac

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