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Hi, I carry a multitool [modern day Swiss army knife] with a host of little insert bits from Philips drivers to Alan keys all in there special holder. a small adjustable spanner [about 11 cm long] a spare plug, and a modified plug spanner that I fixed to the number plate of the front of the bike between the triple clamps. I also carry a swag of cable ties. out of the eight or more guys that fun ride on a Sunday, I'm the only one carrying anything, so when there's a breakdown one can make a bit of cash hiring out tools, you won't believe the cost of a plug out in the bush. :D

Cheers Taff

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When out for a short ride or loop, I always carry a spare plug, plug wrench, small adjustable wrench, 4,5,6 hex wrenches, combo screwdriver, small roll of wire and pliers. Water, T-paper and now a days my cell.

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  On 7/29/2014 at 12:47 AM, lineaway said:

When out for a short ride or loop, I always carry a spare plug, plug wrench, small adjustable wrench, 4,5,6 hex wrenches, combo screwdriver, small roll of wire and pliers. Water, T-paper and now a days my cell.

Not unlike you, Camelback contains small hand air pump, folding hex set, Multi tool, zip-ties, plug and adjustable wrench to fit it and others. Folded paper shop towel works on either end!

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  On 7/30/2014 at 5:10 AM, billyt said:

Hey Cope To comment on what tools to take on a weekend trials excursion don't you have to actually ride a trials bike? :moon:

Speaking of tools, How you doi'n Billy?

I have been riding in my yard! :beer:

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In your yard........ Exactly my point..

You never ride any trials events in Texas, you dont ride any practice weekends with any of the trials riders in Texas.

Just check all the Texas trials posting and /or results going back many years, your name never appears on any of them.

I ask around and nobody has seen you at a trials or practice for years.

So riding in the backyard and only your backyard qualifies you to doll out trials advise?

I don't fly/pilot a light plane but I have flown in one. Does that qualify me to doll out light plane technical advise?

Time you leveled with the guys on here that you don't actual participate in the local Texas trials scene and have not done so for maybe twelve years?

Your member picture was taken at a Katemcy Rocks trial almost five-teen years ago, I know as I was there at that same trials near Austin as you.

I have no problem with you pitching in and sharing your knowledge but it comes from memory not actual recent riding.

Let the members on here appreciate you are a “bench trials rider” only not an actual real life weekend warrior like the rest of us that busts their butt each weekend. These people have the right to give advice, share tips, warrior stories. They live the sport you post from memory only, sad but true!


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  On 7/31/2014 at 5:05 AM, billyt said:

In your yard........ Exactly my point..

You never ride any trials events in Texas, you dont ride any practice weekends with any of the trials riders in Texas.

Just check all the Texas trials posting and /or results going back many years, your name never appears on any of them.

I ask around and nobody has seen you at a trials or practice for years.

So riding in the backyard and only your backyard qualifies you to doll out trials advise?

I don't fly/pilot a light plane but I have flown in one. Does that qualify me to doll out light plane technical advise?

Time you leveled with the guys on here that you don't actual participate in the local Texas trials scene and have not done so for maybe twelve years?

Your member picture was taken at a Katemcy Rocks trial almost five-teen years ago, I know as I was there at that same trials near Austin as you.

I have no problem with you pitching in and sharing your knowledge but it comes from memory not actual recent riding.

Let the members on here appreciate you are a “bench trials rider” only not an actual real life weekend warrior like the rest of us that busts their butt each weekend. These people have the right to give advice, share tips, warrior stories. They live the sport you post from memory only, sad but true!


Don't be such a Bick Dilly! The OP's question was "Hi, can anyone advise me on the tools I should carry in a backpack when out practicing ?" I simply posted my views based upon my experience that run along similar lines with Lineaway!

"You never ride any trials events in Texas, you dont ride any practice weekends with any of the trials riders in Texas."

That is because I am lazy! It is 100 miles or more each way for me to go ride there. I have other options.

"So riding in the backyard and only your backyard qualifies you to doll out trials advise?"

Well, I figure I have been riding dirt and other for about 46 years now, but you can do whatever the hell you like!

"I don't fly/pilot a light plane but I have flown in one. Does that qualify me to doll out light plane technical advise?"

No, but my instrument and commercial ratings have no expiration dates either! I am on my third restore Cessna now, so considered local expert!

"Time you leveled with the guys on here that you don't actual participate in the local Texas trials scene and have not done so for maybe twelve years?"

I stopped riding Texas series a long time ago and concentrated on Central Regionals along with my annual trips to TTC!

Think I placed 2'nd AMA in "07 and won in "08 which was the apogee of my trials career! Then I had to put a daughter through collage. Nuff said. I do have other interests!

"Your member picture was taken at a Katemcy Rocks trial almost five-teen years ago, I know as I was there at that same trials near Austin as you."

Nice little avatar pic! Yep, Katemcy! And I took that pic! You want to know who it is?

" weekend warrior like the rest of us that busts their butt each weekend"

Go ahead, my butt still works, yet I have two bad knees and one bad shoulder along with other issues!

Oh, and I have likely lost or broken more tools than you have ever owned! So pee off!

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  On 7/30/2014 at 5:10 AM, billyt said:

Hey Cope To comment on what tools to take on a weekend trials excursion don't you have to actually ride a trials bike? :moon:

Why would you jump in feet first to kick a guy in the teeth

I thought this inter web thing was for mature adults to enjoy each other's company

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