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My First Real Trials Experience


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Ok trials is really really hard. Had my first go (besides on the lawn). Lots of rocks and stumps. The amount of focus required on both what's happening on the bike and in front of you is insane. It's a different game from riding figure 8 on the grass vs. sharp wet rocks, off cambers and wet logs.

So, much respect to all of you and I look forward to learning and riding more!

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Yes, trials is very humbling for beginners. Although I ride motorcycles every day (since a boy) it only prepared me "somewhat" for what was ahead.

I practiced static constantly, rode areas as best I could for a few months, up hill and down dale, then entered my first trial.

I only got through 15-18 sections before I was mentally and physically tired... very humbling! But addictive!

Oh yeah... it went something like, dab, dab, five, five , dab, dab in the first section alone! Fell over twice on subsequent sections! Hehehehehehe One was good old fashioned faceplant!!! Hehehehe

Maybe some people would be at a crossroads after that and give it away but I plain just love motorcycles (all types) and I am determined to eventually run a full Novice line for 40 sections for less than 10 dabs. My wife has the same crazy idea!

The old saying rings true for trials... practice makes perfect! But in our case practice should make us capable of some good section rides.

We are so addicted we drive 180 miles round trip just to practice.... 3 Sundays per month! Taking two vehicles to carry everything!! Talk trials all week and watch youtube vids like devouring chocolate! Bordering on insanity? Possibly? But like sig says...

BALANCE your life - Ride a Trials Motorcycle!

I might just add, we only started in Jan this year.


Edited by mags
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That's rad. I'm now constantly on these or other forums, watching YouTube riding tutorials or somehow thinking about trials. I feel like I want to devour as much info as possible when I'm not able to ride.

Then I ride and realize how much I suck. :)

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Form, what's that? lol. My form is "dont fall". Finding it hard to comprehend how the good guys can hop on the back wheel and stuff. These bikes seem so powerful, I can't imagine doing that kind of stuff one day (or year, decade..).

Admittedly I do have a 280 (wish I could have found a 250). Oh well, whatever happens, its super fun and I have a great support group!


p.s. I found a bunch of Bobcat tires for free that I need to pick up. They're really stiff so if I bury them or lay them down, they should make for good practice.

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This might be the hardest motorcycling I've done. It's easy to go fast on a bike. But going slow, in first gear, without falling or stalling AND going over obstacles is nuts.

I can see why it's addictive. I'm pretty much hooked.

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Once trials gets its hooks in to ya its very hard to remove them! Watch out! Hehehehehe

I'm damn proud to be learning the art of Trials! It may be a long, steep learning curve but well worth it in the end!

I can't wait until I can jump a log like you see in the videos.... for the pros it looks effortless, smooth and graceful!


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rlk, static balance will give you a massive headstart, even in the lounge room! let your tyres down to 2 or 3psi and watch tv. if it's still too hard try out in the back yard with the front wheel in a small ditch so the front tyre makes lots of contact with the ground.

most of us have identical stories to yours - completely addicted on our first ride but finding it much harder than it looks. i've introduced six guys to trials in the past year and they all said the same thing.

one exception last weekend, a mate of mine is some kind of freak of nature. after an hour on my bike, he was having a go at static balancing, jumping tractor tyres, recovery from logs and tyres, doing rear wheel hops etc. admittedly he's been practising this stuff on the cross training rides we do on the dirt bikes, but it took me at least five rides into trials before i was at that level. cheeky bugger.... at least he couldn't get the hang of double blips after an hour of riding, hehe!

he's hooked and getting a trials bike as soon as he can afford it.

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