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Tlr Project In Old Mexico


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I am in the process of cleaning-up my old trials bikes. My TY is in the final stages and so I've gotten to work on my TLR. My plan is to get both bikes done by early September when my son comes to visit.


This is where the project begins with a functional, if filthy dirty TLR. It needs cleaning, painting and some new stainless fasteners. Below is a shot of the bike after a few hours of work. Obviously the engine is out, but not so obvious is the fact that the seat/tank unit has been repaired and primed for some paint.


Better pictures and better description of the process are on my blog at:


Hope that you can take a look...


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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry that I haven't been a little more faithful in up-dating this thread. But I do have a handful of excuses. First, there was a hurricane and I've been without electricity and the internet for the last two weeks. Before that, I managed to drop my freshly painted seat/tank unit in the dirt. Before that there was the humidity and I am a little lazy and disorganized. Anyhow, from the picture below you can see that the seat/tank unit and the frame of the TLR are painted and prior to that I cleaned off a number of redundant tabs and little metallic twisty things that Honda puts on the frame to hold the wires. I've also managed to mount a nice alloy fender to the rear. Basically I cut down the original plastic unit and used it as a mount for the alloy unit. I just don't like plastic fenders, and my riding does not require that level of "fool proof" bodywork. You are not going to find me charging up a bolder strewn Scottish stream. Maybe a gentle hillock...near the ocean...if there is a beer cooler at the top.

Better quality pictures...and a hurricane report at my blog. Take a look. I put it up for you guys...




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  • 3 weeks later...

This project is finally done. It took about seven months with interruptions for a hurricane and just plain hot and humid weather. The overhaul was primarily cosmetic in nature and any performance improvements will be down to somewhat lowered gearing and a proper trials tire...oh, that's right, you call them "tyres"....

There is a lot of room for improvement. Obviously the rims can be exchanged for alloy units...with stainless spokes at the same time. And then there is the engine. I am guessing that there are a lot of industrious folks who would like to sell me a bigger cylinder, up-rated carb, etc....That will have to be the subject of a later thread and it will have to wait until the engine finally cries ..."Enough!!!" Knowing the reputation of this unit for reliability, that may be a good while.

Below is a picture of the completed bike....but do you ever finish a project like this?? More, better and higher resolution pictures at my blog. Please take a look. I put this stuff up for you guys...http://meditarivemachinery.blogspot.mx/


As I mention in the blog, the next project in my "shed" is to complete the TY. Take a look if you are interested.



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