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Mick Andrews 1972 Ssdt Winning Ossa,or Is It?


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Spen our paths cross again this is untrue,,,,,!

I worked for Len and George Gesson they lived in south witham & I lived in North Witham,

They had the Fox filling station on the A1, with a car showroom,

In fact I brought my first car from Len a Morris 8 series E .

And yes I remember the Humber , Fred Pearce was the sales manager at the garage on the A1.

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Well, to use a well worn saying, 'what a small world'.... my dad retired and every day him and my mum would have a drive out, it was on one of these ventures they visited the Geeson Museum. My mum spotted the outfit first and shouted my dad to tell him their old sidecar was on show.


One of the brothers came across and asked them about it and my dad filled in some missing info' and later went back with a lot of the original paperwork he still had.


There's a picture of me in it as a baby at a rally in Lincoln where my dad received a prize from Titch Allen  for the bike. It had a wickerwork sidecar on at that time. I seem to think my dad bought it with a flat 'tray' on the side, presumably from it's hauling days.


As you say, our paths cross again......  :thumbup:

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Do you remember the name of the person Len & George sponsored in classic road racing ? They never stopped talking about him to me as they knew I was mad on bikes,

I also worked for the AA in the early 60s I have pics somewhere of me on the BSA combo.

I used to patrol the A1 between grantham & Stamford South Witham was halfway between them and any breakdowns unable to be fixed on the roadside went into there garage, I spent hours with those brothers.

Cheers ,

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