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Please Help! Leakin Delorotto, Trial This Weekend!


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I have a 2004 TXT Pro 280. I took the carb off, a VHST Dellortto, and blew out every single hole and jet with high pressure air (maybe too much pressure in retrospect).

I noticed when I took out the fuel screw and blew air through the resulting hole that air came out of the middle (right) hole in the mouth of the intake that the airbox bolts on to.

Now when I turn on the gas, gas comes spewing out of this hole to the point that it filled up my airbox and started dripping out the airbox overflow!

The brass float arms will raise up and shut off the fuel. The problem is that the float bowl is not even filling with gas, it all comes out this one hole on the front of the intake. Did I break something with the compressed air? Please help, I have a two day event this weekend!

Edit: I'm reading elsewhere that there may have been a lead plug in this orifice which the compressed air may have blown out. Anyone know if this could be the case?


Edited by sammyd173
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I would delete this post but I don't see how to do it!

I found the problem (from another post). There is a tube on the carb that links the two sides. It has a big hole in it. I thought the hole was a result of the tube melting so I 'fixed' it with fresh tubing. Turns out that tube was designed with a big ugly split in it. Glad I didn't throw it away. Just put it back on and voila, no more leaking.

Bring on fuel injection!

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