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Why Aren't Toni Bou & Dougie Lampkin More Popular ?


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Danny Mac is a magic man surrounded by world class film makers that know how to use a camera and choose the right music. It's lightning in a bottle. A phenomenom.

The amazing thing is that they are able repeat the magic.....again now with The Ridge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ_IQS3VKjA

Released 2 weeks ago it's now near 13 million views.

The effect has been worldwide. The inclusion of the song by the Jezebels "a little piece" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPerIxIoDOE

in "way back home" has boosted the band's popularity and they give credit to Danny and his video. It's made me a huge fan.

*** bonus Jezabels song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvUQ22Itxjw

Edited by martin belair
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You are unlikely to find an answer because there probably is not one. Charlotte & John (opera) over 51 million hits, but how many actually go to or partake in opera.

Fishing is most popular participation sport in UK, I have not checked but I bet it does not get many hits on youtube.

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Never mind Toni and Doug. The big question is how much longer my OCD is going to allow the topic title to stand as it is before I correct it

Would be more correct if posted quotations around them names and had a vid of them dancing together!

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Is it absolutely necessary for them to be more popular?

I like the idea of being in a sport that's a bit "special" or not so well known.

That said, I always welcome a bit promotion and try to promote the sport myself by making videos and shout about it on facebook.

Our club had an initiation/training/promotion weekend a while ago, and it attracted about 30 or 40 trials riders out of the woodwork we've never seen before on an event.

So it doesn't take big budgets to make a difference.

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Hey guys I "liked" the video :),

It is interesting that organized practice days with some instruction seem to be more popular than events. I guess if I think about it I am more likely to pay for a training video that I think I can learn something from than an event video.

This whole discussion kind of reminds me of sitting around high school with a bunch of fellow nerds wondering why we weren't popular despite being smart and having good sense of humor after all we could all recite any Monty Python movie we had ever seen LOL LOL.

Life is just full of mysteries, think I will put this one behind me and go out for a ride.

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I should also note that it doesn't seem to matter if I bring in a top level rider for a show or a couple novice riders the general public seems to enjoy both. My sense is having an old fella try to hop over a log and do a few tight turns with a possible dab or 2 is something people can relate to and might actually see themselves doing compared to seeing somebody do a 8 ft splatter onto an obstacle... 2 very different shows I keep trying different things to raise interest in the local area but it is really tough.

good for you for trying

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Andy,on behalf of all the lovers of the English language & pedants, my sincere gratitude. Perhaps, when time allows, you might covertly sub-edit the infuriating could HAVE in place of could of and you are in place of your? Such grammatical errors may appear to be inconsequential, but I suspect, not so to you. Keep the faith.

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