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Centenary Scott Trial.


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Am I alone in feeling that the programme for the 100th Scott Trial - which is, when all is said and done - the 100th running of the event which in its first running, was the forerunner of every other reliability trial ever run - YES, THE CENTENARY OF THE VERY FIRST MOTORCYCLE TRIAL IN THE WORLD - should have been a special programme which would certainly have been a collectors item - and could have certainly benefitted in no small way the charities this event so ably supports?

Sadly I feel that a chance has been missed - how sad.

Previous Scott programmes were famous for their unique humour - surely some of that should have been included for those not fortunate enough to know the history.

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I have already been sent a copy of the 'Centenary Scott' programme which I found very interesting. It has a balance of information for spectators, a full entry list, a complete run down of not only past winnners but also a list of everyone that has ever won a Scott spoon. This is not the 100th running of the event, it is however 100 years since the running of the first Scott Trial. How do you come to the conclusion that the Scott was the first reliability trial to be run? The SSDT for example was first started in 1909 as a five day event, which pre-dates the Scott by 5 years!

There has already been a Scott Centenary Dinner in Leyburn which was a very enjoyable event with many famous riders in attendance.


Big John

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I have already been sent a copy of the 'Centenary Scott' programme which I found very interesting. It has a balance of information for spectators, a full entry list, a complete run down of not only past winnners but also a list of everyone that has ever won a Scott spoon. This is not the 100th running of the event, it is however 100 years since the running of the first Scott Trial. How do you come to the conclusion that the Scott was the first reliability trial to be run? The SSDT for example was first started in 1909 as a five day event, which pre-dates the Scott by 5 years!

There has already been a Scott Centenary Dinner in Leyburn which was a very enjoyable event with many famous riders in attendance.


Big John


I am surprised at you - fancy not knowing your history - the first Scott trial, agreed not named as such, was run in 1908 and we both know that the 1909 event in Edinburgh was not called the SSDT either - so that becomes a matter of semantics.

As far as the programme is concerned, it doesn't, in my opinion (and I did phrase my query "Am I alone in feeling.......") live up to past programmes - and my 'phone calls so far to day are all in favour of my view - and all of them from people who have been actively involved in the Scott in one way or another.

Maybe it's an age thing.


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