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Sherco Swingarm Bolt


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Hi all,

Just stripping down my 2012 sherco 125 to rebuild it and i've got to the swingarm but i cant remove the swingarm pivot bolt, ive managed to get it rotationg slightly however i still cannot knock it out. Any suggestions?


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With a bigger hammer there is a chance you will swell the shaft making it even harder or impossible to remove.

It sounds as if its "rusted" in where it passes through the back of the engine, it is also likely rusted to the inner parts of the bearings.

Put plenty of penetrating oil on everywhere where there is a chance of it getting in and ride the bike about a bit, then try knocking it out again, with the nut on as suggested previously. Repeat this several times over a few days. Often the heat and vibration of engine plus penetrating oil will free it.

If it still does not move take the bike to a garage with a hydraulic press. It is very important that the area immediately around the bolt head is properly supported and a good pusher is applied dead square on the other end. You will probably need at least 2 people to hold the bike whilst a third operates the press.

I once rigged up a pusher using a lorry axle U bolt to get one of these out.

Edited by dadof2
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