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Rear Brake Pedal


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Just thinking aloud again!!!!!!

Broke my rear brake pedal the other day, and couldnt find a replacement quickly, so had a ride around anyway.

SO...the thing that was frustrating me the most,,,,was...thinking...."I bet there's a temporary fix that I could do to this, IF I was a bit smarter"!!!

I'm sure some of you die-hard more experienced trials riders out there would have known what to do....so..if you do..please let me know.

I'm sure a rider doing something like the Scott trial would have come up with some brilliant temp. fix......or do you all carry spares around with you in UK...

or maybe you just dont brake things as often as I do! :D

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I reckon you're stuffed for a short term bodge if it's snapped that far in.

Bodges include:

Drill a hole right through the lever and put a bolt in with locking nuts (so the bolt sticks out enough to get your foot on).

Attach a little G-clamp (C-clamp) to what's left of it (that one was a bit fragile).

I'm sure the proper engineers on here will have some better ideas for bodging it.

Must admit a lot of people over here have spares available.

I've got a spare clutch/brake/gear lever, and will have spare back brake again soon.

Spare kickstart is a bit extravagant for me, but you can get away without that for a while. Even managed to get my spare wheel now, but bloody awkward to get hold of a Sherco wheel second hand, waited about 4 months with about

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mmmmm...cheers bikespace..good ideas..and I'm definately gonna start trying to have a few spares handy.

Just frustrated me the other day that I couldnt think of a smarta** way around the problem for a temp. fix

I love a good bodge when its possible! :D

Bush mechanics as my Australian friend here calls it!

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I haven't tried it on my Beta, but many years ago we used a pair of vise grips as a shift lever on a desert bike so the guy could ride back to camp (we were many miles out).

As you know, as soon as you include a spare lever in your pack, you'll never break it again. The bad news is that something else will break. That's the law!



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As you know, as soon as you include a spare lever in your pack, you'll never break it again. 



That's absolutely true. I bent my gear lever about 12 months ago. I ordered a new one just in case I snapped it off when bending it back, but by the time it turned up, I'd dropped it again and bent it back exactly where it should be. Still got the spare now :D

Not had a puncture since I got the spare wheel, or broken a front brake/clutch lever since I started carrying spares in by bum-bag (fanny pack or whatever :lol: )

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My back brake pedal seems to be awfully close to the chain for my liking, is this normal or is this why they break due to wear?

Every Beta I've owned has had this "problem" - it's normal and doesn't seem to cause excessive chain wear and long as you keep 'em properly adjusted and lubed (a cheapo Iris chain on my 270 lasted over a year.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know what it's like riding without a back brake

(I usually find out as I'm going down a steep bank) :(:huh:

Usually it's because the chain has worn through the brake pedal(on mine anyway),and if you don't realise straight away that it's come off/wearing you can't salvage the old one so you have to fork out for a new one :( (I hate spending money) ;):)

Even worse ,I once lost the toe peg ,so bought a new one...Next trial,Lost the hole pedal(with the new peg)!!!!!!!!! :wall::wall:

I think it's one of the only niggling problems with Beta's.

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cant say this would help you now........but........

I keep 2 of everything in my van

when I would bend a brake badly I would just swap it

then when I get back home, straighten it with fair amount of heat.

Been doing this for 5 years or so and only broke one (and I think that was a brand new one!)

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