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Don Smith, Steve Saunders And John Hulme.


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Hi everybody,

Joe Henderson here again under the YoomDoom tag, because I still can't remember the password for Henderpump!

I was amazed and heartened to see Dougie Lampkin's fairly brutal and direct post on his facebook distancing himself and his brand from the up-coming bookazine "Dougie Lampkin, the making of a world champion".

Intrigued as to what could have sparked such a clear denouncement, clarification and dire warning not to advertise or pre-order the publication,I delved further.

Imagine my surprise and delight to find out that the person behind it all is none  other than "Little Jonnie Hulme" the erstwhile publisher and power behind YouMee ( I may have spelled that incorrectly) publishing, and as is documented in previous comments on this post, the man responsible for the plagiarism of whole swathes of Don Smith's early work "Ride it, the complete book of motorcycle trials, Don Smith with Graham Forsdyke" in Steve Saunders' book "On Trial, my life in motorcycle trials"

There may be extenuating circumstances and details of the relationship between Little Jonnie and Dougie Lampkin the brand, that I am not privy to, I don't suppose that Jonnie needs Dougie's permission to publish a book about him, I may be completely wrong on that score, and I stand to be corrected.

Thinking about all this the words 'Leopard, Spots, Change and Cannot" spring to mind. It 's funny how a bad penny keeps turning up.

I feel the strange and urgent desire to write a Book, Magazine article, or maybe even a BookaZine, (with tongue firmly in cheek and with a nod and bow to the previously purloined deathless prose of Little Jonnie) 

This could sport the title, 'On Trial, my life in publishing. The making of "The Kopyright Kid" a world champion plagiarist. Pictures by Little Jonnie Hulme, words by Big Donnie Smith.

I wonder if 'The Kid' could point me in the direction of a suitable publisher?

I have pre-ordered the bookazine about, but not sanctioned by,  Dougie Lampkin. It will be interesting to see if I receive it, Jonnie may object, but then again, a quid is a quid...

I am sure that, as usual, it will be a cracking read with great pictures, a fitting adornment to any trials enthusiasts bookshelf.

A bit of a conundrum really, all of YouMee's publications and all of Little Jonnies magazines stand on their own merits, good stories, great pictures and coverage of events, he really did not have to stoop to the depths of plagiarism and laziness. 

Maybe bravado and hubris have played a part, if so I sympathise with the poor chap.

All the best,

Joe Henderson,

Sydney, Australia



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Wow, that must be the ultimate put down, when the subject of a book distances themself from it before it is published. Surely a so called professional author such as the Kopyright Kid would have contacted the subject at least before going ahead? Obviously not! It's nearly ten years since this thread started and this guy hasn't learned anything about proper publishing etiquette.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Manicmonday,



I am amazed, has it really been nearly ten years since I brought the subject up?

It would seem, that, after much niggling, correspondence back and forth, threats of legal action, the collapse of a publishing 'empire', the sale of a couple of titles to a competitor, and much scurrying around to avoid the consequences of his actions, "the Kid" has learned very little, personal opinion of course.

Either that or pomposity and bombast have come to the fore and allowed him to revisit what he probably thought (and this is just personal opinion and pure conjecture) about the don Smith debacle "I didn't  think anybody would notice"

As Einstein is supposed to have said " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".

Maybe there is a salutary lesson there. I doubt that "Little Jonnie-The-Copyright-Kid Hulme will think so.

All the best,


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Everybody,


I have, despite mu trepadations about  the likelihood of it happening,  just received my copy of the BookaZine, 'Dougie Lampkin, the making of a world champion'


As with all the Copyright kid's publications it is a cracking read, good pictures -seemingly correctly attributed-, adequately written content and a general, all round "Good Thing!"


The integrity of the binding is a bit suspect. with pages falling out after I probably opened it out a bit too flat,  I expect that this is due to the beating it must have received in the post, ( the envelope was badly split and damaged) , all the way to Sydney, but for 12.99 of your English pounds , an absolute bargain. 


Well done Jonnie, just a bit unfortunate that you could not get the man himself to endorse it.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

This post should be called "Sooty Pot Terrorising Elderly Kettle in Unsurprising About-Face"

It seems, and I may be completely wrong, this is only my personal opinion on the matter after all, that the antics of "The Copyright Kid" continue with the surfacing of a staggeringly ironic instance of The Pot Calling The Kettle Black.

Our correspondent is given to understand, by various sources, that an off road archive of interesting, niche and historically important photographs has been obtained by the celebrated plagiarist.

This in itself would seem to be of little interest were it not for the permission given by the original owner of said archive to a completely seperate, well respected, venerable gentleman publisher in which the original owner granted access and use of images.

It seems that the aforementioned self-confessed plagiarist has been giving the venerable gentleman a hard time, citing copyright issues. 

This is both hilarious and worthy of our scorn.  "The Kid" is, with a staggering amount of unrealised irony and a bumper helping of lack of self-knowledge on his part, whining about the use of images and seemingly not giving credence to the permission granted. Pot, Kettle, Black Etc.

It is especially funny in that he is puling about exactly the kind of behaviour that he was guilty of in the Don Smith Book/Steve Saunders Book which resulted in him being "outed" as a copyright and content thief, all this after Don was dead and without the knowledge of the Smith family, it must be said. Good For Goose/Gander etc.

He stated, as an excuse, that he had verbal permission to use material from Don's book when he did not. 

He also tried the same thing on with me when he cited a nebulous copyright clause on an email during our brisk, (for me hugely entertaining and for him a little bit costly) back and forward at the beginning of this whole saga.

I saw through the carboniferous smokescreen and told him to go away.

Hopefully the venerable gentleman will do likewise.



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