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I've got an 05 pro 280 and I cannot say anything bad about, I just love it too much, till 06 comes around... :wall::P

Anyways, issues that I'm wondering about on mine....

1.) recently had lots of noise coming from the rear end when I did a nose wheelie or hop with the rear wheel. Sounded horrible, nasty clanking sound. Turns out the giant nuts that are on top of the rear spring were sickeningly loose and 3 inches higher than they were supposed to be. Loose from the factory? Yeesh. Screwed them down and tightened, now the shock doesn't bounce around and the rear won't sag so much. Not to mention actual rear suspension now.... :D:D

I was wondering if this was common or just one of those weird instances....

Edit: This happened over 2 nationals and 3 events. I'm totally sure it was tight when I got it. Just over time it worked itself loose. Well, heck I rode it while it was messed up so I don't know... :wall:

2.) My airbox bolts are a serious pain in the a*** to put in and out. ESPECIALLY the wing bolt that holds the air filter on. Any suggestions on that wing bolt? Its very annoying.

And the allen bolt that holds the cover on was also very hard to screw in. The plastic would push out of its threads everytime no matter how hard you pushed on the cover itself. Did anyone have this problem where the seat plastic was not big enough for the bolt to go in properly? :)

I solved this by using a standard drill bit to pull pieces of the offending plastic off and there fore, make the hole bigger. Now the bolt goes in like nothing. No more throwin the tools. :lol:

3.) My poor downtubes are getting ravaged by the damn triple tree. I have some small bits of 2 sided tape on there now, but that gets pulled off before long and I'm looking to minimize the damage. (what poor design) Ideas or suggestions on this?

4.) Suddenly noticed my top front end (triple trees, handlebar clamps, forks...) are creaking a lot. And I don't know why. I've checked all the bolts and they are all tight. I noticed this on my 03 as well. That squeak is bloody annoying what is it? :P

Answers to my questions greatly appreciated. ;)


Edited by Dman
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On the airbox item, check the position of the metal bracket on the actual airbox (the bit the bolt threads into). As you will notice, the cross piece with the threaded bit is offset from center. This offset should be on the upper side. I noticed on my '05 that this was inverted, so that the cross bit and therefore the bolt were lower in the airbox and very difficult to negotiate. I removed mine and flipped it back to the top position and removing and installing the filter is now a breeze.

On the spring, make sure that the locking ring is good and tight. I've seen many back off, and not just on Pros, mostly on MXers. If it continues to back off, a little dab of locktite will do wonders. Keep a close eye on it for a while. Set it where you want and measure the preloaded length of the spring. This will give you a benchmark that you can check against.

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I've got the stock bars. Figured it was them. I've not heard many good things about their survivability. :):D

The wing nut is just hard to screw in. After having filter oil all over your fingers and the nut itself, its a chore to put the air filter back on as the wing bolt won't thread in very easily.

Thick adhesive rubber...

I'll have to look for some even if its not that pretty.

@airbox: Well, I was just commenting on the plastic, but I'll have a look next time to see if that clip is inverted. It probably is. But no worries now as the hole for the allen bolt is larger now and it goes in like a charm.

@spring: Yea I figure to keep checking it. I did put lock tight on there this time, but it was scary for awhile cause I thought I had a bent sprocket, something banging around the bottom end of the engine, messed up kick stand....

I was very glad it was just the spring. :lol:

Thanks for your replies.

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Braced bars, I dunno. Plus if its expensive and from the UK....

Being from the USA, it might kill me to pay exchange rates plus I need money for other things. I'll probably wait until something breaks to fix. :D:lol: My 03 took that creaking for a long time. And I've only had my pro for 4 monthes.

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