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Perfect Tyre Pressure


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Hey Kinnel,

On Dean's bikes, I would run them lower and lower till I would start to see the valve stem twist when he rode, then go back up a bit. On the Beta 50 we ran his about dead flat (but he was smaller) with that tire on there.

On the little Sherco's we had to run a bit more air with their exceptionaly soft tires but the same principle, run them down as far as possible, wathcing for the valve stem to turn, and adding rim locks.

Did not need to do front stuff until nose wheelies started.

Les Mizel and I had a conversation about the full size tire pressures and our kids on them. You have to run a little air in them, or they get a flat spot from sitting, and you can see the kid riding kind of going wump, wump, wump as the flat spot is on the ground, but I think we are both down under a pound, but I doubt my gauge is very accurate at that point.

As a side note, as with many things, it also depends an awful lot on the child. Where Christina was always gentle on the bikes, Dean is shall we say, a touch more aggressive.

In short, make sure you have the lock nuts off the stems, then keep running the air down to about a pound watching for pinch flats, rim dings, and turning tubes.

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Just 1 pound? Wow!

I'll get her to stand on the bike whilst letting the air out until it looks 'normal' - soft but not flat, then check the pressures with a tyre gauge.

We have been going to the local playing fields, which is probably the size of 3 full size football pitches. The grass is mowed regularly and 2/3rds of it is nice and flat with some gentle slopes on the other 1/3rd. Two weeks ago she started standing up on the bike and I could see that she was trying to ride as slow as possible - she soon got bored with riding around so I got her to do figure of 8's using the goalposts...

Last week, we made approx 30 red and blue section flags to spice things up a bit. We went to the usual place and I let her get warmed up on the bike whilst I marked out a wide but twisty section. I was going to walk it with her and explain 'the line' but she rode it and cleaned it as I was sticking the end flags in! :rolleyes:

She really surprised me over the next hour or so, the sections got narrower and twistier with various combinations of camber turns, uphill & downhill slopes etc. She managed to clean everything, even when I started chucking coats and jumpers in her path and telling her to ride round them and stay within the flags!

Best bit of the day was when she said "I love my bike but not as much as I love mi Dad" :D

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I have been having trouble finding traction lately...more so than usual, I mean.

I've been using the same tire pressures (about 4 and 5) but a buddy thought my rear tire looked too stiff.

When I let some air out, it made a load of difference.

Seems that my gauge has gone flakey.

I'm starting to think that a good squeeze is the best thing.

Hey...get your mind out of the gutter.

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I have not tried it yet but it is a known fact that there is much less tire pressure fluctuation due to temperature variations when using nitrogen gas instead of air in tires as is done in auto racing. Might be an interesting experiment to try this with trials tires. :lol:

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