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Cylinder Head O-Ring Leak?


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So my TR280i is losing coolant and it certainly seems to be going out the exhaust. Beside the fog out of the exhaust, it also smells of coolant. I started to pull things apart and when i removed the exhaust pipe there was a trace of coolant in the pipe. When i removed the cylinder head, the o-ring still seems good. Obviously i will be replacing them, but is there anything else i should be checking before I put it back together? Thanks for any tips.

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Check the head O ring grooves to see if these may have cracked, it would only be a hairline and difficult to see without a magnifying glass.

Some of the early 280's had this problem, you can fit a later 2012, 2014 or 2015 head if this is the case.

Bye, PeterB.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well thank you for all the help. Seems I can't log in via a pc computer so I haven't been able to reply to this thread or any pm's. (Using my iPhone seems to work though)

I ended up getting a new head via ossa Canada athough I'm not sure what year of head I would have received. Thankfully bike started first kick so at least that is good. It appears as the the head is thicker or it is at the bolt holes. I've yet to take it out for a ride so fingers crossed there is no issues with that.

Once again thanks for the help. Cheers.

I'll need to read some more on this forum and figure out what other things I should be looking for or changing on my bike

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