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Acu Trials Forum

john collins

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I post the Agenda which will be discussd at Saturday's Trials Forum at ACU House Rugby on Saturday.

At present 18 people are booked in - any last minute attendee's ? just phone Alison/mary on 01788 566409.


3rd SEPTEMBER 2005



2006 Provisional Calendar

National Trials - Number/Dates/ Quality

Sammy Miller Championship

Trail Bike Championship


Sidecar Trials and Championships

2006 Youth Capacity Classes / Wheel sizes

Youth Championships A / B / C / D

Minders in Youth Trials

Ladies/Women Championships


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My only concerns at the moment over the Novogar series. I see the entries dwindling a little, and I reckon it's due to increased severity.

Each year a little bit harder (most of them).

I can't say I'm in favour of a second route - it adds another level of complexity to what is a lovely simple championship, and it opens it up to pot hunters on the clubman course (how do you grade who can ride the clubman class??? Surely the winner of the clubman route was riding the wrong route??? And probably a fair few after him :blink:

"And the award for the best rider on the wrong route goes to......"

It may also take the entries for the more popular ones to an almost unmanageable level. Yes you can have entry limits, but do you make a ruling to give priority to National class and end up with the odd trial with 120 National riders and 10 clubmen, or do you make it first come first served, and the Yorkshire rounds get filled with 130 Yorkshire Novices :wall:

I'm quite happy to be the puff standing up saying ease the courses up a bit. It doesn't make you a tough nut just because you can mark out a killer section. Make it tough sometimes, but make it enjoyable for ALL centre experts, that's the hard bit.

I'll be the first to stand up and apologise if we get ours wrong. None of this "You've got to sort the top boys out". The top boys will get sorted out as long as they've lost some marks.

I felt sorry for the Cumbria Novogar - I think the entries there were down, maybe due to severity of previous rounds, but the trial was absolutely spot on.

Hope ours goes OK or I'm in for so much sh*t :D I'll gladly take it if the comments have some validity.

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I think eaiser routes will help a lot. If I could do them losing say 50 - 70 instead of the 120+ which I'd lose at present a few rounds or the series would be on. Adding an over 40s class is also a great idea, I can think of a lot of 40+ riders about who no longer wish to do the harder National events but if they took to a series like this it would be very competative.

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hopefully an over 40 class aswell.

Are you joking or is this a serious proposition, haven't the over 40s got there own championship in the classic rounds. I haven't got a problem with this but most novogar rounds are way to hard for most over 40s if they did this surely they will have to go to two routes.

I know John dislikes the idea of two routes mainly I think because the section are laid out for the hard route and the support class end up going around everything. He also say riders such as Dan Thorpe, Tom Sagar and myself have or own championship which is true but this is run on two routes so we have to suffer riding the support class going around everything in that. The general consensus is that the Expert Championship works well so why can't the novogar also work well under two routes.

In my opinion I would like to see the novogar stay at a similar severity but with a clubman route, this would probably only need to be used on half maybe a quarter of the sections and have the rest the same for both routes. Also I don't really see the need to lessen the no. of rounds simply reducing the number of round that count would help more oh and not having them clash with British Championship dates would help.



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Not at all, the classic over 40 is a joke in my opinion and has never attracted anything like a quality entry ever. If the Novagar was eased and the over 40's who can ride a bit like Andy hipwell John Hulme Dave Knaggs Anthony Brockbank etc perhaps they would have a decent championship?

Whether the novagar shuold be eased was discussed at the forum its a shame you weren't there, but there would be nothing to stop you riding and competing and winning on say 10 instead of 20 or 30 surely? This would ease up the level for the MAJORITY. Surely this would help and then increase entries etc worth a try?

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Some very good points about the Novogar...even though I have no personal experience of it, the usual "cant please everyone" situation (as usual) seems to rear its head....but I always think, in that case, one can only try to please the MAJORITY..makes sense, no?

Changing topic a little. I'm anxiously waiting for Mr.Collins report on the meeting.....mostly..(and sorry I missed your request for ideas Dabster) ...to see if Defra was chatted about. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that there "review" of motorsport...via their "secret" visitors to events, would be made in November???...so wouldnt it be time to start getting ready again??

HOPE we dont need to prepare ourslelves, but its better just in case? :(

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The Classic Championship is OK for the 0/40's at my level but I never made it passed Novice level in the Yorkshire Centre. There's a considerable number of riders on the Expert & Inters list that are 40+ (At least a third by my thoughts) http://www.bradfordtrials.btinternet.co.uk...re.htm#gradings

It's the same in other Centres, take a look at the Scottish results for instance, http://ssdt.org/2005/results/2005/Sat/SSDT...rday%202005.pdf there's a lot of riders losing a hell of lot less than me on the 0/40s list.

Look at the manx results, half the top 20 on the Clubman course are 0/40s, I'm certain a lot of these are capable of doing harder sections but don't due to the severity of the Novogar rounds. (There are several O/40s well up on the hard route too but they don't bother doing Novogars)

The Classic rounds no way provide a proper 0/40's championship it's time there was one.

Edited by PERCE
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I actually see no problem with 2 routes BUT the 2nd route must be a proper Trial not a spot of flag dancing marked out by someone who has no idea of the capabilties of the 'easy riders'

How many Trials are spoiled by the organisers assuming because you don't want to do the tight turn big step section all you can do is ponce round flags on little bank sides?

Having said that I'm not sure an 0/40s championship on a easier route would be supported 100% there's a lot of folk with pride problems.

The best single lap National that I've ridden this year is without doubt the Jack Wood, 50 real sections with no soft ride throughs. Now that was a duel route event.

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But has'nt this been argued all the way through... why put in a clubman route into the championship, when no-one knows what a clubman is. when riding in manx, there were so many riders riding the clubman route, which were perfectly capable of doing the national line, and that is unfair on the true clubman (mainly novice/inters). would'nt that be doubling the problem??

Thats the problem that we have riding the novogar series, Jarvis rode one earlier in the year and he's number 8 in the world. Somethings going wrong somewhere :(

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