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2009 Raga Carbon Exhaust Sleeve.


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Having difficulty finding a new JT7 Carbon Exh Sleeve for a 2009 Raga 300.

Has anybody else had experience of this?

I've been in contact with GGUK and they informed me that they are out of stock and its doubtful that there will be any more manufactured, thus leaving me with a poss £420 (+ VAT) bill for the complete pipe!

Is there any other way or silencer pipes that can be adapted to fit? Has anyone done this?

Help and advice will be much appreciated.

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Can you have it repaired or is it completely buggered? I had my one repaired; rear tyre wore out the inside, had a mate who makes carbon fibre rowing race boats he put on new carbon around where it was worn, looks like new but way stronger as well, did not cost much also.

Can you put a photo of the exhaust up.

Cheers Wakka


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