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Led Replacement Headlight Bulb


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Hello everyone, I'm a full blown newbi to trials but must say how much I'm enjoying this new found sport. The thing is I've not got the patience to wait for weekends, so I've been trying to get an hour or so in after work a couple of times through the week. The bike I'm riding is an 06 gas gas 280 txt pro with a standard bulb in the light and I'd like it brighter. So to the question, can anyone point me in the right direction for an alternative bulb?

Thank you for reading.


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Any of those battery powered bicycle headlamps are fine. I use one mounted on my helmet visor.

For an engine powered light, you need to stick with incandescent bulbs as the Gas Gas electrical system is not friendly to the electronics in high powered LED setups. Even though it is regulated to an average of around 12 volts (AC for the lights), it is not true smooth power. The way it is regulated is more like a mains light dimmer and it still has short spikes well over 75 volts. Most LED drivers can handle up to 36 volts. Bikes like the new model Ossa, Montesa, and Betas appear to have a proper regulated 12 volt electrical system so you can use any 12V LED light setup on those.

On my bike, I run an older (2002-2006) style headlight with a 35 watt halogen bulb. Works good but even that one blows bulbs occasionally. The bulb is a Narva 42027 Ba20d. I get mine from this ebay seller http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/301217298484?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649.


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Thanks for the replys. I've taken your advice and ordered 2X 10000 lumens torches, One for the bike and one for my head so I'll see how they go.

I can't help but think in the event of an off I might resemble one of those spinning light things in the night clubs.

Aussiechris, very informative reply mate, I didn't know it all worked like that. Nice one.

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