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Scraped Up Forks


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I banged my left upper fork tube against a rock. No dings, but scraped up pretty good. I've heard that the scrape and its raised areas can very likely tear the fork seals so I'd like to avoid that obviously. I wanted advice on what to do...Sand it smooth? Razor it smooth? Krazy glue and baking soda I've seen around in some searches. Thanks.

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Is it chrome or black? I`ve fixed some pretty bad forks. It just takes time and needs to be smooth as the rest of the fork. Simple things can be fixed with super glue and the worst with jb weld. Fingernail polish can hide it. Good luck and be slow and patient.

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A hard Arkansas stone like used for knife sharpening will hit the high points and knock them down without effecting a large area like sandpaper.

The need to fill the scratch with nail polish or anything else will depend upon just how deep the gouge extends below the surface.

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Dang, after I smoothed it I went riding and it leaked. I took a super thin piece of plastic tried to hook out any grit to see if maybe it'd be ok without new seals. So far not looking good, oil popping up over the dust seal after a few minutes of riding. Very little oil, but getting through nonetheless.

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