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Txt 70 Brake Pedal


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Hi Everyone, We came home last week without a brake pedal on Mini-Me's TXT 70 Rookie, 2003. We can narrow it down to about 9 acres, but I'm not going to look for it! Does anyone know if the standard, plentyful-on-ebay, brake pedal for a 02-09 Gasser will fit on a 70?

I can't find an exploded parts diagram anywhere for the GG(if it was a Beta I'd be laughing), does anyone know where I can download one?

Thanks for any wisdom that's coming my way.

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Cheers Steve, I'm not sure if some people have confused the Rookie with the Cadet and/or Boy. A couple of shops told me that I need the dedicated pedal from Gas Gas (£60. yikes). My local shop, RAS Sport in Brighouse have today sold me the standard 09-15 replacement pedal on sale or return(£30) and it's fitted fine, using a bush from a Rev 3 that I had lying around, and a bog standard M8 bolt, not the shouldered one. Job done.

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There is alot of confusion with the smaller Gas Gas, The Rookie has the same frame and running gear as the big bike, The Medium wheel Cadet is just the rookie with smaller wheels, Forks, swingarm and a different foot peg mounting.

Both models use the Morini engine (50,70 & 80cc), It's reliable and works but not modified for trials as the port timing is to high up the rev range and the exhausts are not matched to it. They take some time to get used to the power band but the kids love them when wound up!

But all aside they are great little bikes and are better built and have better equipment than the junior Betas, Whose only better point is the 80 engine.

2nd hand parts are easily got from the bigger brother bikes so it outweighs the higher purchase cost of the bikes.

The auto Boy is a different kettle of fish, totally different from the other 2 kids models.

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