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What Did You Do To Your Bultaco Today?

scot taco

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I only have one good front rubber mount for my fuel tank so I decided to see if I could find a substitute at the local hardware store.This is the best I could come up with.I guess it,s maybe a bit hoky,but I think it might work.post-17837-0-40139100-1431297737_thumb.jpgpost-17837-0-18404000-1431297766_thumb.jpg

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Hello Woody the top 2 Dampers came out some 198B i required look like they had been in the for years stuck solid they was my other 199B i had had the same Dampers with a slightly larger Allen bolt on the bottom. my currant 199B not sure i did have the forks apart as they was leaking from the Allen bolt but can't remember what they looked like. may be the Dampers was a later style they have a white plastic shuttle on the End instead off the Alloy. or may be i was just off another bike strange no 1 knows anyway i have the other Dampers so ill use a set off those. come to think about it my currant 199B am sure as the smaller Allen bolt on the lower leg there for i recon they are standard Dampers.

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I think all of the Italjet Betor forks used the white plastic bottom bits but the rest of the damper rods were the same as all the late Bultaco ones that I have seen. They all had the same size bolts in them as well. 8mm x 1.25 thread. Scot, those rubbers look like they should work fine. Might I enquire why you have two bolt holes in your petrol tank? Was the tank melting on the exhaust?  Graham.

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Bondy, note post page 5 this thread." Connector bolt" this was I believe d250bs' Idea, the way I do it

involves machining a fitting.

Scott , good idea on the cane tips.


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Hello Larry yes i got them long enough. Mr smelling yes i still have those lovely Alloy bolts you did for me am just trying a few diffrant ones i don't want to take the bolt out the 199B just yet i cut it down but i will try the ones you made me.

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Graham,I have to admit that I feel a bit stupid.The tank had two holes in it when I bought it and I just assumed it had maybe been mounted on a different bike and never thought about the pipe clearance.It has been mounted through the top hole and the tank looks fine so I,m not sure about the second hole.

My newly refurbished rear motor mount arrived today along with some trick shock bolt washers and tank bolt,thank you Larry.I was able to get the motor mount in and it works great,but that's as far as I got tonight and didn,t get any pics.Hopefully more tomorrow.


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My son and I had a fantastic day at the trials ground to day he loved my photos so much he joined the club!

We put almost one and half gallons through it today. I have found with the new float correctly set up it is doing a lot more to the gallon.

I must check the speedo reading before we start tomorrow, I have to say being freelance and not having much work at the moment can be so much fun!

The clutch is so much better now but I can not get neutral when hot and the first start  in the morning  can slip a few times on the kick start.

My next spend will be a new clutch from In motion with a full set of plates.

I must take some more dramatic  photos tomorrow !  

Nice one. Martin  


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