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Beta Rev 200cc 04 G/b Oil / Front Fork Sett


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Noticed you'd had no replies... here goes:

Rev-3 gearbox takes 550ml of oil. I'd recommend PJ1 Clutch Tuner Ultralight but any good quality semi/fully synthetic gearbox oil will be OK. You can check the oil level by looking in the sight glass on the left side of the engine (near the water pump). The apeture should be completely covered. If you can see the oil level, it'll need topping up (or draining and refilling using the correct amount preferably). I believe that the manual says that as long as the oil level is at least half way up the sight glass it'll be OK but assuming that there's no leaks and it's been correctly filled the last time there's no reason why this should be the case.

The adjuster at the top of the left fork leg changes precompression or ride height (turn clockwise to raise, anticlockwise to lower) and the right is damping or suspension "softness" (clockwise to make harder, anticlockwise to soften). There are equivalent adjustments at the rear (spring adjuster nut and damping screw).

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hi neonsurge,thanks for reply thats answered my questions exactly ,see the thing was in my 01 scorpa i use to use engine oil ,and someome told me not to use the same in the beta so i just wanted to make sure ,i must admit i was getting paranoid no one was answering so thanks for your time ,lewis

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