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How Much Time Do You Dedicate To Trials?


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Can't you setup a few obstacles in your driveway for a few minutes?


Our front yard isn't very large and our neighbors kick up a stink when there is any non-essential noise. Normally the only riding I do out the front is when I'm testing the bike after a wash and that's maybe 2-5 minutes at most. To give you an idea of where I live this map shows the typical front/back yards of houses in my area https://goo.gl/maps/oGExl which are very close in proximity so noise is a problem. Our state is also very strict on using motorcycles in park land and reserves. All of the free space around these houses are either private property or crownland, all of which attract penalties that make it not worth the risk of getting caught. :(

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Start the mower and let it sit there running.

Yeah I live in a similar neighbourhood and try to get in 20 minutes or so around the yard and on the driveway after dinner. I am lucky I have never had anyone complain. There are a 2 very polite older gentlemen that just so happen to ride Harleys on my street, so the sound of a trials bike doesn't even register in comparison. I also find my bike is quiter than the mower, so riding when people are mowing their grass is a great way to make the point that it really isn't that loud.


Mind you, when I used to have my (street legal) GG EC200 I would try to go easy on the throttle when leaving for work early morning... when you got that thing "on the pipe" it was legal but not very friendly so I would just lug it along as much as possible :). My X-ride is far better noise wise for street riding. I find my new Sherco ST250 slightly louder than my old GG TXT200 but still haven't had any complaints. Some time the neighbourhood kids will come along and cheer me on, pretty hard to give  guy a hard time if he is putting on a good free show :).  

Edited by michael_t
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I could practice much more on a piece of waste ground near my house.  The problem is complaints about noise.  I ride a Beta Evo 2T.  Why does someone not make a much quieter exhaust system for this and other bikes?  It might allow people to ride in more places without drawing unnecessary attention to themselves.  This is one of the benefits of riding one of the new electric trials bikes. 

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